
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Monday, October 6, 2014

Saga Quest 3: Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim

My second play-through was a mess: I forgot to reduce my threat when I played dwarves (Nori's ability), I thought Fili & Kili had three hit points instead of 2, and I continued staging two cards/quest phase during stage 3B. So that was an unredeemable mess. Is the third time a charm again? Apparently it is if I'm posting it below.

The Journey

Player Setup
Set threat to 30
Draw: Kili, Hasty Stroke, Gandalf, Son of Arnor, To me! O my Kinsfolk!, Gloin
I like seeing Kili, but would rather have Fili. Going to try again to see if I can get Fili and a Late Adventurer or A Test of Will
Mulligan: Gloin, Fili, Gloin, Ever Vigliant, Kili, Gandalf
That'll work!

Encounter Setup
Add Lake in the Cavern to the staging area
Create riddle area with Gollum and Bilbo
Attach Bilbo's Magic Ring to Bilbo

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin Oakenshield (1), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Steward of Gondor

Planning Phase
Play: Steward of Gondor (Thorin -1, Balin -1). Attach to...Nori
I know, I know. All that desire to find Fili and I'm going to play Kili instead
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (3)
Play: Kili (Nori -3). Reduce threat to 29 (Nori's ability). Search deck and put Fili into play. Shuffle.

Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Kili
Total willpower: 8
Reveal 1: Goblin Miners
Reveal 2: Come Down Little Bird. Choose the riddle. Name: Ally, Cost 3. Shuffle. Discard: Hasty Stroke, Silverload Archer, Gandalf.
Spend 1 Bilbo resource to discard another card. Discard: To me! O my Kinsfolk!
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring to give Bilbo an additional resource. Raise threat to 31.
Spend 1 Bilbo resource to discard another card. Discard: Dwalin
Two Matches (Silverload Archer, Dwalin). Add 2 resources to stage 2B (2/9)
Total threat: 4
Place 4 progress on stage 1B (4/14)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Miners

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Miners
Goblin Miners attack. Fili defends. Shadow: Grip, Grab! Pinch, Nab! (deal 1 damage to Kili). One damage dealt to Fili.

Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 32

Round 2
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (2), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Snowborn Scout
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (3)

Planning Phase
Play: Gloin (Thorin -2, Balin -1). Reduce threat to 31. Add two resources to Nori (5)
Play: Gandalf (Nori -5)

Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Gloin, Gandalf
Total willpower: 13
Reveal 1: It Likes Riddles? Name: Cost 3. Shuffle. Discard: Kili. Longbeard Orc Slayer. One match (Kili). Add 1 progress to stage 2B (3/9)
Discard from Encounter Deck: Goblin Runners
Discard from Encounter Deck: Goblin Miners
Discard from Encounter Deck: The Goblins' Caves
Discard from Encounter Deck: What's In My Pocket? Name: Spirit, Cost 1. Shuffle. Discard: Hasty Stroke. Longbeard Orc Slayer. One match. Add 1 progress to stage 2B (4/9).
Reveal 2: What's In My Pocket? Name: Leadership, Cost 1. Shuffle. Discard: Snowborn Scout, Gandalf. One match. Add 1 progress to stage 2B (5/9)
Total threat: 2
Add 11 progress to stage 1B (15/14)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Miners
Fili defends. Shadow: Wild Wargs (no effect). Fili is destroyed.
Gandalf declares an attack on Goblin Miners, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 32
Raise threat to 34 to keep Gandalf in play

Round 3
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (2), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (1), +1 Bilbo (2)
Draw: Steward of Gondor
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (3)

Planning Phase
Play: Snowborn Scout (Thorin -1)

Quest Phase
Commit: Balin, Nori, Gandalf
Total willpower: 8
Reveal 1: Goblin Driver. Exhaust Snowborn Scout.
Reveal 2: Wild Wargs. Choose riddle. Name: Ally. Shuffle. Discard: Silverload Archer, Unexpected Courage
Spend 1 Bilbo resource to discard an additional card: Gloin
Spend 1 Bilbo resource to discard an additional card: Fili
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring to add one Baggin's resource to Bilbo's pool (1). Raise threat to 36
Spend 1 Bilbo resource to discard an additional card: Sneak Attack
Shame! Could have cleared the stages this round. 
Three matches (Silverload Archer, Gloin, Fili). Add 3 progress to stage 2B (3/9)
Total threat: 5
Add 3 progress to stage 1B (18/14)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Driver

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Driver
Goblin Driver attacks. Kili defends. Shadow: The Goblins' Cave (raise threat to 37). Kili is destroyed.
Thorin, Gandalf declare an attack on Goblin Driver, destroying it

Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 38
Raise threat to 40 to keep Gandalf in play

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin(2), +1 Balin (2), +1 Nori (4), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Sneak Attack
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (6).

Planning Phase
Play: Fili (Thorin-2, Balin -1). Reduce threat to 39 (Nori's effect). Search deck and put Kili into play. Shuffle.
Also used this moment to see that my deck is predominantly Spirit at this point, with a spread of 0, 1, and 3 cost cards. 

Quest Phase
Commit: Balin, Nori, Gandalf
Total willpower: 8
Reveal 1: Goblin Axeman
Reveal 2: Goblin Miners
Total threat: 6
Place 2 progress on stage 1B (20/14)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Axeman
Engage Goblin Miners

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Goblin Axeman, Goblin Miners
Goblin Axeman attacks, Gloin defends. Shadow: The Wargs' Glade (no effect). Deal one damage to Gloin.
Goblin Miners attack. Snowborn Scout defends. Shadow: The Goblins' Cave. Spend 1 resource from Balin's pool to cancel the shadow and deal an new card. Shadow: Goblin Driver. Exhaust Fili. Snowborn Scout is destroyed.
Gandalf declares an attack on Goblin Axeman, destroying it.
Thorin declares an attack on Goblin Miners, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 41
Raise threat to 43 to keep Gandalf in play
Need to get a riddle & answer it right next round or I may need to say goodbye to Gandalf

Round 5
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (2), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (7)
Draw: Ever Vigilant
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (9)

Planning Phase
Play none

Quest Phase
Commit: Balin, Nori, Gandalf
Total willpower: 8
Reveal 1: It Likes Riddles? Name: 3. Discard: The Galadhrim's Greeting, Son of Arnor. Two matches. Add 2 progress to stage 2B, clearing the stage. Stage 1B cleared.
Discard Lake in the Cavern
Advance to stage 3B
Bilbo rejoins the heroes.
Gollum engages me
Okay, so here's a tough choice. I'm in the middle of resolving It Likes Riddles? I completed the first part and answered the riddle. Now, I need to search the encounter deck for a second card. But stage 3B states: "All riddle effects are ignored. Treachery cards gain surge." I also have not revealed a second card for stage 2B. Since I'm in stage 3B now, I"m not going to reveal that second card. Since I revealed the treachery prior to stage 3B, I'm also not surging this card. So, do I now discard the encounter deck until I find a riddle to ignore? Seems illogical and I'm moving on.
Reveal (for stage 3B): The Wargs' Glade
Total threat: 2
Now here's another fun decision. I just advanced quest stages in the midst of questing, before resolving. As far as I can tell, I'm good to go to place progress on this stage. Anyone aware of a ruling or threat that rules differently?
Place 6 progress on stage 3B (6/16)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Gollum
Gollum attacks. Gloin defends. Shadow: Wild Wargs (no effect). Deal one damage to Gloin (2/3)
Thorin, Gandalf, Bibo declare an attack on Gollum, destroying him
I'm pretty sure that's how it happened in the books, actually

Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 44
Raise threat to 46 to keep Gandalf in play

Round 6
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (4), +1 Balin (2), +1 Nori (10)
Draw: Late Adventurer
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (12)

Planning Phase
Play none

Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Fili, Kili, Gloin, Gandalf, Bilbo
Total willpower: 16

NOTE: I neglected to reveal an additional card during the stage 3B set-up, so backing up Gollum's shadow effect (The Warg's Glade) would have been revealed. For Gollum's attack, the card that was revealed during stage 6 (Wild Wargs) would have been the shadow. I went through and figured out everything I discarded. I'm shuffling the encounter deck and...

Reveal: The Wargs' Glade
Total threat: 4
Place 12 progress on stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
5 Completed Rounds x10: 50
Final Threat: 46
Total Damage on Heroes: 0
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: 0
Total: 96

And there it is. So what do you think about the quest phase of round 5? Did I make the right decision? 

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