The Journey
Like Over the Misty Mountains Grim, I am going to (finally) do the Duplicate Tournament #4 for Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim. It's far too late for this to count as an official entry, but should be a fun way to take on the challenge. I have not read anyone's session report, but saw that only a handful of people survived...
Player Setup
Set starting threat to 30
Draw: Sneak Attack, Hasty Stroke, Steward of Gondor, Kili, Snowborn Scout
Encounter Setup
Add Lake in the Cavern to the staging area
Create a second staging area with stage 2A
Place Gollum and Bilbo Baggins in the staging area.
Attach Bilbo's Magic Ring to Bilbo Baggins
Proceed to stage 2B
Proceed to stage 1B
Reveal: Goblin Axeman
Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Thorn (1), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: A Test of Will
Cards in Hand: Sneak Attack, Hasty Stroke, Steward of Gondor, Kili, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will
Planning Phase
Play: Steward of Gondor (Thorin -1, Baliin -1). Attach to Nori.
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (3)
Play: Kili (Nori -3). Reduce threat to 29. Search deck and put Fili into play.
Quest Phase
Commit: Balin, Nori
Total willpower: 4
Reveal: Come Down Little Bird
Choose to answer the riddle. Name: Ally, cost of 3. Reveal: Dwalin, Longbeard Orc Slayer, Dwalin
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic ring to raise threat to 31 and add one Baggins resource to his pool.
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Snowborn Scout
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Sneak Attack
Two total matches.
Place 2 progress on stage 2B (2/9)
Total threat: 4
No progress placed on stage 1B
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Axeman
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Axeman
Goblin Axeman attacks. Kili defends. Shadow: Wild Wargs (no effect). One damage dealt to Kili.
Thorin, Fili declare an attack on Goblin Axeman, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 32
Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (2), +1 Balin (1), +1 Nori (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Late Adventurer
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (3).
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Hasty Stroke, Sneak Attack, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventerur
Planning Phase
Play none
Son of Arnor and Snowborn Scout are best used with a location in play. I can always sneak in Son of Arnor if I really want.
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Kili, Fili
Total willpower: 9
Reveal: Hiding in the Trees
Choose to answer the riddle. Name: Leadership, Ally. Discard: Ever Vigilant, Gandalf, Late Adventurer
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring to add one Baggins resource to Bilbo. Raise threat to 34.
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Gloin
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: To me! O my Kinsfolk!
One match. Place 1 progress on stage 2B (3/9).
Total threat: 2
Place 7 progress on stage 1B (7/14)
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 35
Round 3
Resource Phase
+2 Thalin (4), +1 Balin (2), +1 Nori (4), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Unexpected Courage
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (6)
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Hasty Stroke, Sneak Attack, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Unexpected Courage
Planning Phase
Play: Unexpected Courage (Nori -2). Attach to Thorin.
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Kili, Fili
Total willpower: 9
Reveal: The Warg's Glade
Choose to answer the riddle. Name: Leadership. Discard: Kili, A test of Will, Gloin.
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring to add one Baggins resource to Bilbo. Raise threat to 37.
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Brok Ironfist
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Hasty Stroke
Two matches. Place 2 progress on stage 2B (5/9)
Total threat: 2
Place 7 progress on stage 2B (14/14)
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Increase threat to 38
Round 4
Resource Phase
+2 Thalin (6), +1 Balin (3), +1 Nori (5), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Longbeard Orc Slayer
I think we have to fight our way out in stage 3, right? He'll be good to have around in that case.
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (7)
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Hasty Stroke, Sneak Attack, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit: Thalin, Nori
Total willpower: 5
Reveal: It Likes Riddles? Name: Three. Discard: Son of Arnor, Lorien Guide
Two matches. Place 2 progress on stage 2B (7/9)
Discard from the encounter deck: The Goblins' Cave (no riddle)
Discard from the encounter deck: Grip, Grab! Pinch, Nab! (no riddle)
Discard from the encounter deck: What's In My Pocket? Name: Spirit, cost of 3. Discard: Dwalin, Ever Vigiliant.
Exhaust Bilbo's Magic Ring to add one Baggins resource to Bilbo. Raise threat to 40.
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Fili
Discard one Baggins resource to discard an additional card: Fili
One match. Add 1 progress to stage 2B (8/9)
Total threat 2
Add 3 progress to stage 1B (17/14)
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 41
Round 5
Resource Phase
+2 Thalin (8), +1 Balin (4), +1 Nori (8), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Late Adventurer
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (10)
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Hasty Stroke, Sneak Attack, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer x2, Longbeard Orc Slayer
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit: Nori
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Goblin Axeman
Play: Late Adventurer. Commit Balin to the quest.
Updated willpower: 4
Total threat: 4
No progress added
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Axeman
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Axeman
Goblin Axeman attacks. Fili defends. Shadow: Goblin Axeman (-1 shield). Two damage dealt to Fili.
Thorin, Kili declare an attack on Goblin Axeman, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 42
Round 6
Resource Phase
+2 Thalin (10), +1 Balin (5), +1 Nori (11), +1 Bilbo (2)
Draw: Dwarven Tomb
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (13)
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Hasty Stroke, Sneak Attack, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit Nori
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Goblin Driver. Exhaust Fili.
Play: Sneak attack (Thorin -1). Put Son of Arnor into play. Engage Goblin Driver.
Total threat: 2
No progress placed.
Return Son of Arnor to hand.
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Driver
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Driver
Goblin Driver attacks. Balin defends. Shadow: The Goblins' Cave
Play: Hasty Stroke (Nori -1). No damage dealt.
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Thorin
Thorin, Kili, Fili declare an attack on Goblin Driver, destroying it
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 43
Round 7
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (11), +1 Balin (6), +1 Nori (14), +1 Bilbo (3)
Draw: The Galadhrim's Greeting
Niiice. I was getting a little worried about my threat.
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (16)
Cards in Hand: Son of Arnor, Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer, The Galadhrim's Greeting
Planning Phase
Play: The Galadhrim's Greeting (Noir -3). Reduce threat to 37.
Play: Son of Arnor (Thorin -3)
Quest Phase
Commit: Nori
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Not Fair! Not Fair! Name: Ally. Discard: Kili, Silverload Archer, Silverload Archer
Haha. That was fantastic.
Total threat: 2
No progress placed
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 38
Round 8
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (10), +1 Balin (7), +1 Nori (14), +1 Bilbo (4)
Draw: Valiant Sacrifice
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (16)
Cards in Hand: Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer, Valiant Sacrifice
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit: Nori
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Grip, Grab! Pinch, Nab!
Play: A Test of Will (Nori -1) to cancel
Total threat: 2
No progress placed
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 39
Round 9
Resource Phase
+ 2 Thorin (12), +1 Balin (8), +1 Nori (16)
Draw: The Galadhrim's Greeting
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (18)
Cards in Hand: Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer, Valiant Sacrifice, The Galadhrim's Greeting
Planning Phase
Play: The Galandhrim's Greeting (Nori -3). Reduce threat to 33.
Play: Dwarven Tomb (Nori -1). Return A Test of Will to hand.
Quest Phase
Commit: Nori
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Goblin Miners
Man! Where are the riddles?
Total threat: 4
Increase threat to 35
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Miners
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Goblin Miners.
Goblin Miners attack. Balin defends. Shadow: The Wargs' Glade (no effect). No damage dealt.
Son of Arnor, Fili declare an attack on Goblin Miners, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 36
Round 10
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (14), +1 Balin (9), +1 Nori (15), +1 Bilbo (6)
Draw: Steward of Gondor
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (17)
Cards in Hand: Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer, Valiant Sacrifice, Steward of Gondor
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Nori
Total willpower: 5
Reveal: The Wargs Glade
Choose to answer the riddle. Name: Leadership. Discard: Gloin, Lorien Guide, Gandalf.
One match. Place 1 progress on stage 2B (9/9), clearing it.
Stage 1B has 17 progress on it, clearing it.
Advance to stage 3A
Remove Lake in the Cavern from the game
Bilbo Baggins rejoins the heroes
Reveal: Goblin Driver. Exhaust Fili.
Engaged by Gollum.
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Goblin Driver
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Gollum, Goblin Driver
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Thorin
Gollum attacks. Balin defends. Shadow: Come Down Little Bird (no effect). No damage dealt.
Goblin Driver attacks. Fili defends. Shadow: Wild Wargs (no effect). One damage placed on Kili (2/3)
Thorin, Son of Arnor declare an attack on Goblin Driver, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 37
Round 11
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (16), +1 Balin (10), +1 Nori (18), +1 Bilbo (7)
Draw: To Me! O my Kinsfolk!
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (20)
Cards in Hand: Snowborn Scout, A Test of Will, Late Adventurer, Longbeard Orc Slayer, Valiant Sacrifice, Steward of Gondor
Planning Phase
Play: Snowborn Scout (Thorin -1)
Play: Longbeard Orc Slayer (Thorin -4)
Quest Phase
Play: To me! O my Kinsfolk! (Thorin -1). Put Gloin into play.
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Bilbo, Gloin
Total willpower: 10
Reveal: Wild Wargs
Total threat: 3
Place 7 progress on stage 3B
Put Gloin on the bottom of the deck
Play: Valiant Sacrifice (Thorin -1). Draw: Lorien Guide, To me! O my Kinsfolk!
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage Wild Wargs
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Thalin
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Gollum, Wild Wargs
Gollum attacks. Longbeard Orc Slayer defends. Shadow: The Goblins' Caves (no goblins engaged; no threat increase). One damage dealt to Longbeard Orc Slayer.
Wild Wargs attack. Snowborn Scout defends. Shadow: Goblin Runners (enemy makes an additional attack). Snowborn Scout is destroyed.
Wild Wargs attack #2. Deal new shadow card. Thorin defends. Shadow: Goblin Miners (+1 attack). Three damage dealt to Thorin.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Increase threat to 38
Round 12
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (11), +1 Balin (11), +1 Nori (21)
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Nori (23)
Cards in Hand: A Test of Will, Unexpected Adventurer, Steward of Gondor, Lorien Guide, To me! O my Kinsfolk!, Gandalf
Planning Phase
Play: Gandalf (Thorin -5)
Play: Lorien Guide (Nori -3)
Quest Phase
Play: To me! O my Kinsfolk! (Thorin -1). Put Brok Ironfist into play.
Commit: Thorin, Balin, Nori, Bilbo, Fili, Kili, Gandalf, Lorien Guide, Brock Ironfist
Total willpower: 17
Reveal: Goblin Runners. Surge.
Reveal: Great Gray Wolf
Total threat: 5
Place 12 progress on stage 3B, clearing it and winning the game
Final Scoring
11 completed rounds x10: 110
Final Threat: 38
Total Damage on Heroes: 3 (Thalin)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: 0
Total: 151
The Deck
All but two cards (Valiant Sacrifice #2, Snowborn Scout #3) came up during the playthrough, but I'll save you the effort of reconstructing it based on that alone:
Duplicate Tournament #4 Deck
Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo Baggins (Over Hill and Under Hill)
Brok Ironfist x1
Dwalin x3
Fili x3
Gandalf (Over Hill and Under Hill) x3
Gloin x3
Kili x3
Longbeard Orc Slayer x3
Lorien Guide x3
Silverload Archer x3
Snowborn Scout x3
Steward of Gondor x2
Unexpected Courage x1
A Test of Will x2
Dwarven Tomb x1
Ever Vigilant x2
Hasty Stroke x2
Late Adventurer x3
Sneak Attack x2
The Galandhirm's Greeting x2
To Me! O My Kinsfolk! x3
Valiant Sacrifice x2
Sets Used
Over Hill and Under Hill
On the Doorstep
You may notice there are a lot of 3 and 1 cost cards in this deck. This is to help facilitate easy guesses for the riddles. With two extra draws from Bilbo, I was able to succeed at every riddle.
The Recap
This is another thematic score in my book: Bilbo off with Gollum in a difficult test to the death, while the dwarves are fighting off goblins in a totally separate area. Now I do think you should be able to attach Sting to Bilbo. After all, the weapons presence is a major reason why the creature did not attack! It would defend Bilbo against a single attack and (in multiplayer) Gollum can attack more than once. Maybe only allow it to be attached if there are two or more players?
In any case, I know a lot of people have issues with the riddles. It is a rough guessing mechanic, but if you know your deck well and can handle the threat increase you should do fairly well.
I will be back to match wits with the creature under the mountain again!
Sorry, typographical error. It should be Snowborn Scout x3. Will fix that!