I decided it would be fun to attempt this quest using the Duplicate Tournament format, since I missed out on the tournament itself (busy at the time). The decklist and instructions can be found here. Sadly, it was a drawn-out failure after loosing a hero and making some poor subsequent tactical decisions.
Player Setup
Set starting threat to 28
Draw: Sneak Attack, Steward of Gondor, Gloin x2, Orchist, Cram
Encounter Setup
Bilbo joins the heroes
Proceed to stage 1B
Search deck and add Glamdring to my hand
Decided to go for the extra attack vs. risking Bilbo defending
Proceed to 2A
Add Stone-Giant to the staging area
Reveal: Guffawing of Giants
Okay, so I know I have a giant attack to deal with right off the bat. Come at me, bro.
Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (1), +1 Ori (1), +1 Bombur (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Dori
Cards in hand: Sneak Attack, Steward of Gondor, Gloin x2, Orcrist, Cram, Glamdring
Planning Phase
Play: Cram. Attach to Thorin.
Play: Orcrist. Attach to Thorin.
Play: Glamdring. Attach to Thorin.
Man, better hope I don't get something that takes away my attachments...
Quest Phase
Commit: Ori, Bilbo
Total willpower; 3
Reveal: Galloping Boulders. Deal three damage to Ori, destroying him. Surge (due to Stone Giants).
Oh ouch. That's not a good start.
Updated willpower: 1
Reveal: More Like a Grocer. -1 Bilbo (0)
Total threat: 4
Raise threat to 31
Engaged by Stone-Giant. No ally to discard.
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Stone Giant
Play: Sneak attack (Thorin -1). Put Gloin into play.
Stone Giant attacks. Gloin defends. Shadow: Stone-Giant (no effect). Gloin is destroyed.
Thorin, Bombur declare an attack on Stone Giant. 8 attack vs. 3 shields = 5 damage (5/9).
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 32
Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (1), +1 Bombur (2), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Expecting Mischief
Cards in Hand: Steward of Gondor, Gloin, Dori, Expecting Mischief
Planning Phase
Play non
Quest Phase
Commit Thorin, Bilbo
Total willpower: 4
Reveal: Dreary Hills
Total threat: 3
Place 1 progress on stage 2B
Travel Phase
Travel to Dreary Hills
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Stone-Giant
Stone-Giant attacks. Bombur defends. Shadow: The High Pass (no effect). Bombur takes 4 damage (4/5).
Discard Cram to ready Thorin.
Thorin declares an attack on Stone-Giant. 7 attack vs. 3 shield = 4 damage, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 33
Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (2), +1 Bombur (3), +1 Bilbo (2)
Draw: Kili
This is not the dwarf you are searching for
Cards in Hand: Steward of Gondor, Gloin, Dori, Expecting Mischief, Kili
Planning Phase
Play: Dori (Bombur -3)
Play: Steward of Gondor (Thorin -2)
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Thorin (2)
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Bilbo, Dori
Total willpower: 5
Reveal: A Suspicious Crow
Add Stone-Giant to the staging area (from the Encounter Discard)
Total threat: 5
No progress placed
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Engage A Suspicious Crow
Combat Phase
A Suspicious Crow attacks. Bombur defends. Shadow: Dreary Hills (no effect). No damage dealt.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 34
Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (3), +1 Bombur (1), +1 Bilbo (3)
Draw: Radagast's Cunning
At least this will help me get some progress out this turn (hopefully).
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Thorin (5)
Cards in Hand: Gloin, Expecting Mischief, Kili, Radagast's Cunning
Planning Phase
Play: Gloin (Thorin -3). Add 2 resources to Bombur's pool (Bombur 3).
Used the ruling found here
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Bilbo, Dori, Gloin
Total willpower: 7
Play: Expecting Mischief (Bombur -1)
Reveal: Wind-Whipped Rain
Drat. Waste of the card.
Discard Steward of Gondor.
Play: Radagast's Cunning (Bobur -1). Chose Stone-Giant to not contribute its threat.
Total threat: 0
Place 2 progress on The Dreary Hills. Random discard: Kili. Explore it. +1 resource to Bilbo (4)
Place 5 progress on The Mountain Pass (5/16)
Travel Phase
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to A Suspicious Crow
A Suspicious Crow attacks. Bombur defends. Shadow: Galloping Boulders (place on top of encounter deck). No damage dealt.
Refresh Phase
Ready all.
Raise threat to 35
Round 5
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (4), +1 Bombur (2), +1 Bilbo (5)
Draw: Expecting Mischief (only card left in hand)
Planning Phase
Quest Phase
Commit none.
Total willpower: 0
Reveal: Galloping Boulders (no character committed; no damage dealt). Surge.
Reveal: Overhanging Rock.
Total threat: 6
Raise threat to 40
Travel Phase
Travel to Overhanging Rock
Spend 1 Baggins resource to trigger action (Bilbo 4). Look at: Fili, Sting. Keep Sting, discard Fili.
Another ally would be great, but my only Kili is in the discard, so Fili's ability is not effective.
Spend 1 Baggins resource to trigger action (Bilbo 3). Look at: Miner of the Iron Hills, Erebor Hammersmith. Keep the Hammersmith, discard the Miner.
This gives me another willpower and, if needed, a solid defender for cheap
Spend 1 Baggins resource to trigger action (Bilbo 2). Look at: Sneak Attack, Protector of Lorien. Keep Sneak Attack, discard Protector of Lorien.
Spend 1 Baggins resource to trigger action (Bilbo 1). Look at: Burgler Baggins, Bifur. Keep Bifur, discard Burgler Baggins.
Spend 1 Baggins resource to trigger action (Bilbo 0). Look at: Protector of Lorien, Forest Snare. Keep Forest Snare, discard Protector.
Encounter Phase
Engage Stone-Giant. Discard Dori.
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Stone-Giant
Deal shadow card to Suspicious Crow
Stone-Giant attacks. Gloin defends. Shadow: Overhanging Rock (no effect). Gloin is destroyed.
Suspicious Crow attacks. Bombur defends. Shadow: Stone-Giant (no effect). No damage dealt.
Thorn, Bilbo declare an attack on Stone-Giant. 8 attack vs. 3 shield = 5 damage (5/9)
Discard shadow effects: Stone-Giant, then Overhanging Rock.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 41
Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (4), +1 Bombur (3), +1 Bilbo (1)
Come on, Gandalf!
Draw: Gandalf
Spend 1 Biblo Resource to trigger Overhanging Rock's ability. Look at: Fili, Burgler Baggins. Keep Fili, discard Burgler Baggins.
That hurt, but I need the allies.
Cards in Hand: Expecting Mischief, Sting, Sneak Attack, Forest Snare, Bofur, Gandalf, Fili
Planning Phase
Play: Fili (Thorin -3),
Play: Bifur (Bombur -3). Draw: Burgler Baggins, To Me, O My Kinsfolk!
Man, that would have been nice to see before I played Fili! Oh well.
Play: Sting. Attach to Bilbo.
Quest Phase
Play: Sneak Attack (Thorin -1). Put Gandalf into play. Deal four damage to Stone-Giant, destroying it.
Risky. If I draw A Suspicious Crow, we do this all over again.
Commit: Thorin, Bilbo, Bifur, Gandalf
Total willpower: 10
Draw: Cave Entrance
Total threat: 1
Place 3 progress on Overhanging Rock, exploring it.
Place 7 progress on stage 2B (12/16)
Return Gandalf to hand
Travel Phase
Travel to Cave Entrance
Encounter Phase
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to A Suspicious Crow
A Suspicious Crow attacks. Bombur defends. Shadow: Lone-Lands (no effect). No damage dealt.
Bifur declares an attack on A Suspicious Crow, destroying it.
Place A Suspicious Crow on the Encounter discard, followed by Lone-Lands
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 42
Round 7
Resource Phase
+2 Thorin (2), +1 Bombur (1), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Miner of the Iron Hills
Cards in Hand: Expecting Mischief, Forest Snare, Burglar Baggins, To Me, O My Kinsfolk!, Gandalf, Miner of the Iron Hills
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Commit: Thorin, Bilbo, Fili, Bofur
Total willpower: 7
Reveal: No Campfire. Doomed 1 (Threat 42). Choose to raise threat to 46.
Total threat: 0
Play Burglar Baggins (Bilbo -1).
Updated willpower: 9
These might be crazy decisions, but risking nothing is going to get me nothing, eh?
Place 3 progress on Cave Entrance, exploring it.
Place 6 progress on stage 2B, exploring it.
Proceed to stage 3A
Switch out the encounter decks.
Add The Great Goblin to the staging area.
Proceed to stage 3B
Reveal 1: Goblin Driver. Exhaust Bombur.
Reveal 2: Front Porch.
Reveal 3: Goblin Miners
Ouch. Time to go out in a blaze of glory, eh?
Travel Phase
Travel to Front Porch
Encounter Phase
Engage The Great Goblin, Goblin Driver, Goblin Miners
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to The Great Goblin, Goblin Driver, Goblin Miners
Play: To Me, O My Kinsfolk! (Thorin -1). Put Kili into play.
The Great Goblin attacks. Discard: Goblin Miners. Add to staging area. Kili defends. Shadow: Chaos in the Cavern (return The Great Goblin to the staging area after attack resolves). Kili is destroyed. The Great Goblin returns to the staging area.
Goblin Driver attacks. Undefended. Shadow: Goblin Bent-Swords (+1 attack). Put 3 damage on Thorin (3/5)
Goblin Miners attack. Undefended. Shadow: Goblin Axemen (no defending character; no effect). Put three damage on Bombur, destroying him.
Refresh Phase
Ready all
Raise threat to 47
Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Thorin (2), +1 Bilbo (1)
Draw: Gloin
Planning Phase
Play none
Quest Phase
Quest with: Thorin
Total willpower: 3
Reveal: Grip, grab! Pinch, nab!
Add Goblin Axemen to the staging area
Total threat: 7
Raise threat to 51.
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