
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Friday, December 15, 2017

The End (for now?)

I find myself in a position where several "lifestyle" games are fighting for my limited time & attention. And I want to enjoy each one at it's own pace, without any sense of rush or just getting to a point of completion. A few of those games are experiencing a bit of a downsizing in my life to allow me to enjoy them in more of a focused manner. For Lord of the Rings: the Card Game, that means ending this blog for the foreseeable future.

This game takes a long time for me to play. I'm not sure what it is, but my mental processor slows to a snail's pace while deckbuilding. Then I attempt a quest, fail horribly, and build again. That by itself takes long enough. Blogging about it (as short and mistake ridden as the posts are) adds another huge chunk to the time commitment.

Have I moved on from the game? Nope. My monthly (ha) subscription is still active and I am biting at the chomp to get Folco Boffin to the table. I am simply taking another long, indeterminate pause in chronicling my experiences with the game.

Lord of the Rings: the Card Game is a blast. We have a fun, challenging game with beautiful artwork and a creative design team. I look forward to the continued adventures in paper and digital mediums over the upcoming years.

See you around the community!