
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Friday, November 21, 2014

Saga Quest 8: A Knife in the Dark

Victory on the eight attempt!

The Deck

I did give this quest a quick attempt with the secrecy deck from last time, but it was a no go once I hit the massive Nazgul attack (very massive, since I kept agreeing to shuffle them into the deck). Then I did a few drafts with Merry until settling on this arrangement.

Four Friends

Pippin (The Black Riders)
Sam Gamgee
Frodo Baggins (The Black Riders)

Gandalf (Core) x3
Gildor Inglorion x2
Faramir (Core) x2
Erebor Hammersmith x3
Barliman Butterbur x2
Snowbourn Scout x3
Bill the Pony x2
Westfold Outrider x3

Good Meal x3
Fast Hitch x3
Elf-stone x3
Dagger of Westernesse x3
Hobbit Cloak x3

Feint x3
Hobbit-sense x3
Sneak Attack x3
Frodo's Intuition x3
Hail of Stones x3

The Journey

It took five attempts before it clicked that Bill Ferny was the real enemy here and the key to victory (for me) was an early dispatch of the vile spy.

Campaign Setup
Add Gandalf's Delay to the staging area
Attach Mr. Underhill to Frodo Baggins

Player Setup
Set starting threat to 21 (+1 for adding in Merry)
Attach The One Ring to Frodo Baggins
Draw (5): Dagger of Westernesse,Gandalf, Elf-stone, Good Meal, Feint
I like seeing Gandalf right off the bat, but I really need a way to do 1 more damage to Bill. 
Mulligan: Snowborn Scout, Barliman Butterbur, Gandalf, Hobbit Sense, Frodo's Intuition
Oh well, looks like we go with this!

Encounter Setup
Set all copies of the Ringwraith, The Witch-King, Midgewater, and Weathertop aside, out of play.
Add The Prancing Pony and Bill Ferny to the staging area. Shuffle (enounter).
Flip to 1B

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (1), +1 Pippin (1), +1 Sam (1), + Frodo (1)
Draw: Fast Hitch

Planning Phase
Play: Fast Hitch (Pippin -1). Attach to Merry.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo
Total willpower: 9
Raise threat to 24 (Bill Ferny's effect).
Reveal: Piercing Cry. Search encounter deck and put Rider of Mordor in play engaged with me (-1 willpower for all characters). Shuffle. Ready Sam (+1 willpower, attack, defense). Draw (Pippin): Elf-stone
Updated willpower: 6
Total threat: 5.
Place 1 progress on stage 1B (1/8).

Travel Phase
Travel to The Prancing Pony. Put Gandalf into play. Deal 4 damage to Bill Ferny.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow card to Rider of Mordor.
Add Mr. Underhill to the victory display (1) to prevent Rider of Mordor from attacking.
Exhaust Fast Hitch to ready Merry.
Merry + Gandalf declare an attack on Rider of Mordor, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 25.
Discard Gandalf from play.

Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (2), +1 Pippin (2), +1 Sam (2), + Frodo (2)
Draw: Dagger of Westernesse

Planning Phase
Play: Frodo's Intuition (Frodo -2). +1 willpower to all heroes. Draw: Gildro Inglorion, Frodo's Intuition, Sneak Attack.
Play: Sneak Attack (Sam -1). Put Gildor into play.
I'm hoping to use this trick and get a way to take out Bill. We'll see!
Exhaust Gildor to look at (player): Westfold Outrider, Hobbit Cloak, Westfold Outrider. Put Westfold Outrider into my hand, replaced with Hobbit Sense. Put back in this order: Hobbit Cloak, Westfold Outrider, Hobbit Sense.
Play: Westfold Outrider (Merry -2).
Play: Elf-stone (Pippin -1). Attack to The Prancing Pony.
Play: Snowborn Scout (Sam -1). Place 1 progress on The Prancing Pony.
Return Gildor Inglorion to hand.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo
Total willpower: 13
Increase threat to 28
Reveal: Piercing Cry. Search encounter deck and put Rider of Mordor in play, engaged with me (-1 willpower to all characters). Ready Sam (+1 willpower, +1 attack, +1 defense). Draw (Pippin): Hobbit Cloak
Updated willpower: 10
Total threat: 3
Place 3 progress on The Prancing Pony, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (2). Put Gildor Inglorion into play (Elf-stone's effect).
Place 4 progress on stage 1B (5/8)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow card to Rider of Mordor. Attacks. Snowborn Scout defends. Shadow: Pale Blade (no effect). Snowborn Scout is destroyed.
Exhaust Fast Hitch to ready Merry.
Now this is tough. Looking at my resources available right now, I have to choose between taking out the Rider of Mordor and Bill Ferny. I think Bill is the obvious choice, though.
Merry + Westfold Outrider declare an attack on Rider of Mordor, dealing 3 damage (3/5).
Discard Westfold Outrider. Engage Bill Ferny. +1 willpower, attack, defense for Sam. Draw (Pippin): Westfold Outrider.
Sam + Gildor declare an attack on Bill Ferny, destroying him and adding him to the victory display (3).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 29.

Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (1), +1 Pippin (1), +1 Sam (1), + Frodo (1)
Draw: Hobbit-sense

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gildor.
Total willpower: 12.
Reveal: Pathless Country
Total threat: 2
Place 10 progress on stage 1B, clearing it. Advance to stage 2. Add Midgewater to the staging area. Place 1 progress on stage 2B (1/6)

Travel Phase
Travel to Pathless Country

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow card to Rider of Mordor
Play: Hobbit Sense (Pippin -1, Sam -1)
Discard shadow card

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 30.
Remove 1 progress from stage 2B (0/6)

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (2), +1 Pippin (1), +1 Sam (1), + Frodo (2)
Draw: Gildor Inglorion

Planning Phase
Play: Frodo's Intution (Frodo -2). +1 willpower to all heroes. Draw: Hail of Stones, Feint, Erebor Hammersmith

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gildor
Total willpower: 16
Reveal: Shady Bree-Lander
Total threat: 5
Place 3 progress on Pathless Country, exploring it.
Place 8 progress on stage 2B (8/6)

Travel Phase
Travel to Midgewater. Return Rider of Mordor to the staging area.

Encounter Phase and Combat Phase
No engagements or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 31.
Remove 1 progress from stage 2B (7/6)

Round 5
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (3), +1 Pippin (2), +1 Sam (2), + Frodo (1)
Draw: Fast Hitch

Planning Phase
Play: Barliman Butterbur (Pippin -2).

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gildor, Barliman
Total willpower: 13
Reveal: Pathless Country
Total threat: 8
Place 5 progress on Midgewater (5/6)

Travel, Encounter, Combat Phases
No travel, engagements, or combat

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 32.
Remove 1 progress from stage 2B (6/6) 

Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (4), +1 Pippin (1), +1 Sam (3), + Frodo (2)
Draw: Hobbit Sense

Planning Phase
Play: Fast Hitch (Pippin -1). Attach to Merry.
Play: Westfold Outrider (Merry -2)
Play: Dagger of Westernesse (Merry -1). Attach to Merry.
Play: Hobbit Cloak (Sam -1). Attach to Sam.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Pippin, Sam, Frodo, Gildor
Total willpower: 12
Reveal: Black Breath. Attach to Pippin.
I would rather loose Pippin at this point than exhaust The One Ring and get the lower engagement applied to the Nazgul.
Updated willpower: 10.
Total threat: 8

Place 1 progress on Midgewater, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (4).
Stage 2B cleared (6/6 progress). Proceed to stage 3. Add The Witch-king and Weathertop to the staging area. Search encounter discard pile and add Rider of Mordor to the staging area.

Travel Phase
Travel to Pathless Country

Encounter Phase
Engage The Witch-king. Ready Sam (+1 willpower, attack, defense). Draw (Pippin): Frodo's Intuition.
Engaged by Shady Bree-Lander
Exhaust Fast Hitch to ready Merry

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow cards to The Witch-king, Shady Bree-lander
Shady Bree-Lander attacks. Barliman defends. Shadow: Power in the Terror (discard attachment). Discard Hobbit Cloak.
 The Witch-king attacks. Undefended. Shadow: Pale Blade (no effect). Place damage on Barliman, destroying him.

Merry declares an attack on Shady Bree-Lander, destroying him.
Exhaust Fast Hitch #2 to ready Merry.
Merry, Sam, Westfold Outrider declare an attack on The Witch King, (10 attack vs. 5 shield), dealing 5 damage (5/9).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 33.
Round 7
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (2), +1 Pippin (1), +1 Sam (3), + Frodo (3)
Draw: Feint

Planning Phase
Play: Frodo's Intiution. +1 willpower to all heroes. Draw: Bill the Pony, Good Meal, Faramir
Play: Bill the Pony.
Play: Good Meal. Attach to Merry. Discard to lower cost of next Tactics event by 2.
Play: Hail of Stones. Exhaust Pippin and Bill the Pony, dealing 2 damage to Rider of Mordor #1 and destroying it.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Sam, Frodo
Total willpower: 10
Discard Westfold Outrider to engage Rider of Mordor #2 (-1 willpower to all characters). Ready Sam (+1 willpower, attack, defense). Draw (Pippin): Erebor Hammersmith.
Updated willpower: 8
Reveal: Lure of the Ring. Raise threat to 36. Surge.
Reveal: Squint-eyed Southerner. Choose to shuffle Ringwraith into deck.
Place 2 progress on Pathless Country.

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
Engage Squint-eyed Southerner (37 engagement, due to Pippin). +1 willpower, attack, defense to Sam. Draw (Pippin): Hail of Stones.
Exhaust Fast Hitch #1 to ready Merry.

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow cards to The Witch-king, Rider of Mordor, Squint-eyed Southerner.
Play Feint (Merry -1). Pick Rider of Mordor to not attack.
Squint-eyed Southener attacks. Undefended. Shadow: Weather Hills (no effect). Place 2 damage on Pippin (2/3, due to Bill).
The Witch-king attacks. Gildor defends. Shadow: Lure of the Ring (+1 attack). Gildor is destroyed.
Merry (6 attack) + Sam (3 attack) declare an attack on The Witch King, destroying him.
Exhaust Fast Hitch #2 to ready Merry.
Merry declares an attack on Rider of Mordor, dealing 3 damage (3/5).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 37.

 Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Merry (2), +1 Pippin (2), +1 Sam (4), + Frodo (2)
Draw: Bill the Pony

Planning Phase
Play: Erebor Hammersmith (Pippin -2). Return A Good Meal to hand.
Play: A Good Meal. Attach to Merry.
Play: Faramir (Sam -4).

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry, Frodo, Bill
Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Pale Blade. Attach to Rider of Mordor #2. Surge.
Reveal: Chetwood.
Total threat: 6
Exhaust Faramir to give all characters +1 willpower.
Updated willpower: 5
Raise threat to 38

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat  Phase
Deal shadow cards to Rider of Mordor, Squint-eyed Southerner.
Discard Good Meal to reduce the cost of the next Tactics event played by 2.
Play: Feint. Choose Rider of Mordor to not attack.
Squint-eyed Southener attacks. Erebor Hammersmith defends. Shadow: Unwanted Attention (return enemy to staging are after attack). 1 damage dealt to Hammersmith (1/3). Squint-eyed Southener returns to the staging area.
Exhaust Fast Hitch #1 to ready Merry.
Play: Hail of Stones (Merry -1). Exhaust Merry, Pippin, Sam to deal 3 damage to Squint-eyed Southerner, destroying him.
Exhaust Fast Hitch #2 to ready Merry.
Merry declares an attack on Rider of Mordor, destroying it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
7 Completed Rounds x10: 70
Ending Threat: 38
Total Damage on Heroes: 2
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -4
Total Score: 106

Campaign Resolutio
Boon: Attach Tireless Ranger Noble Hero to Sam.
I thought Tireless Ranger was the willpower one. Corrected!

Past decisions:
Boon: Mr. Underhill attached to Frodo
Burden: Gandalf's Delay in the staging area.

The Recap

Questing, defending, attacking, dealing with treacheries...it's all here! Just maybe not in the way you would expect. The nazgul are certainly formidable here, but the real threat are the spys of Bree. Seriously. And I find that a bit weird. I understand that, thematically, these guys are ratting you out to the dark forces, but why are they so powerful? I would expect more enemies like Pickpocket, who pose a threat in the staging area but are quickly dispatched once engaged. I still am a bit baffled that Bill Ferny ends up being the real threat in A Knife in the Dark (more so than the fact that Weathertop is an optional location that hinders you quite a bit if traveled to). And the big battle for the nazgul? It can be a beast if you're not prepared. But if you go in ready for it, there is little the encounter deck does to stop you from building up a small army or good strategy that can quickly handle them.

It was a fun victory. The thematic choices confuse me, so I'm not going to write it down as a favorite.

Note: Right before I started questing in round 7, I realized I had been counting the combined willpower of my hobbits as 7 instead of 9 (due to having Black Breath on Pippin for almost all of attempt #7). I stopped, went back to make corrections, and found it actually did not affect anything (in terms of exploring locations and clearing quests to get to the same point at round 7's start). Still, let me know if you see some willpower/quest point anomalies.

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