
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Quest 20: Into Ithilien (re-do)

Victory on the fourteenth attempt!
The Journey

Attempts 11, 12 ,and 13 resulted in solid victories...with small mistakes early on in all three games. Hopefully this time is different! But this Haldir Lore Ranger deck definitely delivers vs. Ithilien and has been a blast to play.

Player Setup
Set starting threat to 29
Draw: Secret Paths, Ranger Bow, Forest Patrol, Henamarth Riversong, Saruman, Ithilien Tracker
Ithilien Tracker + Denethor + Henamarth are the all start team in this deck, so it's great to see them here right off the bat.

Encounter Setup
Add Celador to the staging area.
Make Ithilien Road the active location.
Search encounter deck and add Southron Company to the staging area. Shuffle.

Round 1

Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (1), +1 Aragorn (1), Denethor (1)
Draw: Ithilien Tracker
Here's someone to use that Ranger Bow on!

Planning Phase
Exhaust Denethor to look at (Encounter): Overgrown Trail

Play: Ithilien Tracker (Aragorn -1, Denethor -1)

Quest Phase
Commit: Haldir, Aragorn, (Celador)
Battle. Total strength: 8
Reveal: Overgrown Trail
Total threat: 7
Play: Secret Paths (Haldir -1). Choose Overgrown Trail not to contribute its threat.
Updated threat: 3
Place 4 progress on Ithilien Road, exploring it
Place 1 progress on stage 1B

Travel Phase
Travel to Overgrown Trail
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker to place 3 progress on Overgrown Trail (3/6)

No engagements or combat

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 30.

Round 2

Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (1), +1 Aragorn (1), Denethor (1)
Draw: Risk Some Light

Planning Phase
Exhaust Denethor. Look at (encounter): Blocking Wargs. Move to the bottom of the encounter deck.
Play: Henamarth Riversong (Haldir -1).
Exhaust Henamarth. Look at (encounter): Secluded Glade
Play: Ithilien Tracker (Aragorn -1, Denethor -1)
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker #1 to place 3 progress on Overgrown Trail, exploring it.

Quest Phase
Commit: Haldir, Aragorn, Ithilien Tracker #2, (Celador)
Battle. Total strength: 9
Reveal: Secluded Glade
Total threat: 6
Place 3 progress on stage 1B (4/15)

Travel Phase
Travel to Secluded Glade

No engagements or combat
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 31.

Round 3

Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (#), +1 Aragorn (#), Denethor (#)
Draw: Lembas

Planning Phase 
Exhaust Denethor. Look at (encounter): Overgrown Trail

Quest Phase
Commit: Aragorn, Henamarth, (Celador)
Battle. Total strength: 6.
Reveal: Overgrown Trail.
Total threat: 6
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker x2 to place 6 progress on Overgrown Trail, exploring it.
Updated threat: 3
Place 3 progress on Secluded Glade, exploring it.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat Phase
Haldir declares an attack on Southron Company (staging area), dealing 2 damage (2/5).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 32.

Round 4

Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (2), +1 Aragorn (2), Denethor (2)
Draw: Ranger Spikes

Planning Phase 
Exhaust Denethor. Look at (encounter): Ithilien Guardian
Play: Ranger Spikes (Aragorn -2)
Play: Ranger Bow (Haldir -1). Attach to Ithilien Tracker #1.

Quest Phase
Commit: Aragorn, Henamarth, (Celador)
Battle. Total strength: 6
Reveal: Ithilien Guardian
Updated strength: 8
Reveal: Forest Bat. Attach Ranger Spikes. Deal 2 damage to Aragorn and remove him fro the quest.
Updated strength: 5
Total threat: 3
Place 2 progress on stage 1B (6/15)

No travel or engagements

Combat Phase
Haldir declares an attack on Southron Company, dealing 2 damage (4/5).
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker #1 and Ranger Bow to deal 1 damage to Southron Company, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 33.

Round 5
Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (2), +1 Aragorn (1), Denethor (3)
Draw: Ranger Spikes

Planning Phase 
Play: Risk Some Light (Denethor -3). Look at (encounter): Secluded Glade, Blocking Wargs. Southron Company. Move Blocking Wargs to the bottom of the encounter deck. Put Southron Company on top with Secluded Glade beneath it.

Quest Phase
Commit: Aragorn, Denethor, Henamarth Riverson, (Celador), (Ithilien Guardian)
Battle. Total strength: 9
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker #2 to lower the threat of the next enemy revealed to zero.
Reveal: Southron Company
Total threat: 0
Place 9 progress on stage 1B, clearing it. Bypass stage 2 and proceed to stage 3, flip to side B.
Take control of Celador and Ithilien Guardian.

No travel or engagements.

Combat Phase
Haldir declares an attack on Southron Company, dealing 2 damage (2/5).
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker and Ranger Bow. Deal 1 damage to Southron Company (3/5).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 34.

Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (3), +1 Aragorn (2), Denethor (2)
Draw: Erebor Hammersmith

Planning Phase 
Play: Lembas (Haldir -1). Attach to Haldir.

Quest Phase
Commit: Haldir, Aragorn, Denethor, Henamarth, Ithilien Guardian, Celador
Total willpower: 10
Reveal: Secluded Glade
Total threat: 4
Place 6 progress on stage 3B (6/12)

Travel Phase
Travel to Secluded Glade

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat Phase
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker and Ranger Bow to deal 1 damage to Forest Bats, destroying them.
Discard Lembas to ready Haldir.
Haldir declares an attack on Southron Company, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 35.

Round 7
Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (3), +1 Aragorn (3), Denethor (2)
Draw: Ranger Bow

Planning Phase 
Exhaust Denethor to look at (encounter): Mumak. Move to bottom of encounter deck.
Exhaust Henamarth to look at (encounter): Watcher in the Wood

Play: Erebor Hammersmith (Aragorn -2). Put Lembas back in hand.

Quest Phase
Commit: Haldir, Aragorn, Ithilien Guardian, Celador, Erebor Hammersmith
Total willpower:9
Reveal: Watcher in the Woods. Raise threat by 5 (threat = 40)
Place 3 progress on Secluded Glade, exploring it.
Place 6 progress on stage 3B, clearing it. Advance to stage 4, flip to side B.

No travel, engagements, or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 41.
Trigger Aragorn's ability to lower threat to 29.
Raise threat to 31 (stage 4B's forced effect).

Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (4), +1 Aragorn (2), Denethor (3)
Draw: Risk Some Light

Planning Phase 
Play: Risk Some Light (Denethor -3). Look at (encounter):  Southron Company, Morgul Spider, Southron Company. Put Morgul Spider on top, with both Southron Company's beneath.
Play: Ranger Spikes (Aragorn -2).

Quest Phase
Commit: Aragorn, Denethor, Henamarth, Ithilien Guardian, Celador, Erebor Hammersmith
Total willpower: 9
Exhaust Ithilien Tracker #2 to reduce the threat of the next enemy revealed to zero.
Reveal: Morgul Spider. Attach Ranger Spikes.
Total threat: 0
Place 9 progress on stage 4B (9/15).

No travel or engagements.

Combat Phase
Haldir declares an attack on Morgul Spider, dealing 2 damage.
Play: Forest Patrol (Haldir -1) to deal 3 damage to Morgul Spider, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 32.
Raise threat to 34 (stage 4B's forced effect).

Round 9
Resource Phase
+1 Haldir of Lorien (4), +1 Aragorn (1), Denethor (1)
Draw: Ranger Spikes

Planning Phase
Play: Lembas (Haldir -1). Attack to Aragorn.
Play: Ranger Spikes (Aragorn -1, Denethor -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Haldir, Aragorn, Denethor, Henamarth, Ithilien Guardian, Celador, Erebor Hammersmith.
Total willpower: 11
Discard Lembas to ready Aragorn and heal 2 damage.
Reveal: Southron Company. Attach Ranger Spikes.
Total threat: 0
Place 11 progress on stage 4B, clearing it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
8 Completed Rounds x10: 80
Ending Threat: 34
Total Damage on Heroes: 0
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: 0
Total Score: 114

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