It's been a long time. Not only since I posted, but since I had time to sit down and complete one of the new (to me) quests in my collection. I'll save more for the recap, but it was worth the wait and I had a blast!
The Deck
Being allowed the ability to freely switch out characters made the deck-building wide open for this quest. At first, I tried keeping Merry & Sam, switching only Pippin out for Aragorn (Watcher in the Water). It didn't work. In fact, I got slaughtered twice in a row. In hindsight, I would suggest switching out Merry for Legolas.
Then I read on a forum (sorry, it's been a while and I can't remember which post) the opinion that this quest wanted to steer you towards Gandalf, Sam, and Aragorn (Core). I'm not sure how Sam figured into that equation, but questing for four (having the Noble Hero boon attached) gave him an automatic spot in any deck I was going to go for. I just wasn't tickled about the idea of a starting threat of 34.
I looked over my leadership cards (since this build would necessitate at least the majority of cards coming from here) and saw two cards I never really used to their full ability: Grave Cairn and Rear Guard. Grave Cairn + Sneak Attack + Gandalf (Core) is a great combination, but not viable if I'm using hero Gandalf. After my two defeats, I knew some serious questing power would be needed for this one and thus Rear Guard would be a perfect fit to include.
Next I thought about attachments. There were so many I wanted to include! But so many of those were unique, or limited to 1/character (Wizard's Pipe). Could I get away with including x1 of such great cards? If I included Galadriel x3, maybe so. Master of the Forge would be great for that strategy as well, but I would have to move him to the top of my deck and wait until Gandalf had two resources. But wait! Why not include Herald of Anorien? Going for Doomed 2 with an already high threat is risky, but this deck was meant to be fun so let's have fun.
Even with high willpower, there are some terrible high-threat locations and enemies that can come jumping out. Enemies I can at least take care of in one turn. Locations might build up in the staging area. In goes Secret Paths. Once again, can I guarantee getting it to the top of my deck for Gandalf to use (ironically, it ended up in exactly that spot during attempts 3 and 4)? Let's put in one copy of Song of Wisdom as a back-up.
I think we're ready to rumble.
Gandalf (The Road Darkens)
Sam Gamgee
Aragorn (Core)
Ally (21)
Galadriel (The Road Darkens) x3
Master of the Forge x2
Bill the Pony x3
Envoy of Pelargir x3
Herald of Anorien x3
Naith Guide x3
Snowborn Scout x3
Faramir x1
Attachment (17)
Wizard Pipe x1
Sword that was Broken x1
Good Meal x3
Gandalf's Staff x1
Celebrain's Stone x1
Heir of Mardil x1
Dunedain Mark x3
Dunedain Warning x2
Steward of Gondor x1
Song of Kings x1
Song of Wisdom x1
A Burning Brand x1
Event (12)
Flame of Arnor x3
Secret Paths x3
Frodo's Intuition x3
Rear Guard x3
Sets Used
The Hunt for Gollum
Conflict at the Carrock
The Hills of Emyn Muil
The Redhorn Gate
The Watcher in the Water
Shadow and Flame
Heirs of Numenor
The Black Riders
The Road Darkens
The Dunland Trap
Trouble in Tharbad
Celebrimbor's Secret
Note: Master of the Forge is definitely an all-star here, working great with Gandalf's abilities and Galadriel (before or after she is played).
The Journey
Set starting threat to 34
Campaign Set-up
Switch out Merry and Pippin for Gandalf and Aragorn (Core).
Add Anduril to my hand. Shuffle Sting, Mithril Shirt, and Glamdring into my deck.
Quest Set-up
Set Lust for the Rings, Redhorn Pass, Doors of Durin, and Watcher in the Water to the side. Shuffle encounter.
Starting Hand
Naith Guide x2, Wizard Pipe, Mithril Shirt, Good Meal
Top card: Bill the Pony
I considered doing a mulligan, but Wizard Pip + Anduril is going to be a great combination during stage 1. And two rounds of Naith Guides is nothing to sneer at.
Flip to side 1B
Round 1
After getting Anduril on Aragorn for free, I blaze past Redhorn Pass and take out both of the Hound of Sauron's that pursued me.
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Bill the Pony
Top Card: Naith Guide
Well, three rounds of an unexhausted Gandalf will be nice.
Planning Phase
Play: Naith Guide from top of deck (Sam -1, Gandalf -1). Choose Gandalf to not exhaust to quest this round.
Top Card: Herald of Anorien
Play: Bill the Pony
Play: Good Meal. Attach to Frodo.
Play: Wizard Pipe (Frodo -1). Attach to Gandalf.
Exhaust Wizard Pipe to switch Anduriel (from hand) with Herald of Anorien (from deck)
Stage 1B Forced Effect: Put Anduril face-up in front of me. Choose to play it for 0 cost. Attach to Aragorn.
Top Card: Glamdring
Choose to shuffle Lust for the Ring into the encounter deck.
Threating out is what did me in during attempt #3. While any boon is one to regret, I'll just have to work around it.
Proceed to stage 2. Make Redhorn Pass the active location.
Reveal (encounter): Hound of Sauron. Surge.
Reveal: Hound of Sauron. Surge.
Reveal: Storm of Howls. Choose to give each Warg enemy -20 engagement cost.
Flip to side 2B.
Quest Phase
Commit Gandalf (does not exhaust), Sam, Aragorn, Frodo to the quest. Total willpower: 12.
Ready Aragorn (Aragorn -1).
Reveal: Eregion. Total threat: 5
Place 6 progress on Redhorn Pass, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (1). No damage on card.
Place 1 progress on stage 2B (1/8).
Travel Phase
Travel to Eregion.
Encounter Phase
Engage Hound of Sauron #1. Place 1 damage on Eregion (1).
Engage Hound of Sauron #2. Place 1 damage on Eregion (2).
Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Hound of Sauron x2.
Hound of Sauron #1 attacks. Naith Guide defends. Shadow: Howling Warg (+1 attack, 1 damage on active location if character is destroyed). Naith Guide is destroyed. Place 1 damage on Eregion (3).
Hound of Sauron #2 attacks. Aragorn defends. Shadow: Howling Warg (+1 attack, 1 damage on active location if character is destroyed). Two damage dealt to Aragorn. Exhaust Anduriel to declare an attack on Hound of Sauron #2 with Aragorn, destroying it.
Gandalf and Bill the Pony declare an attack on Hound of Sauron #1, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 35.
Round 2
Holding back allies to avoid loosing them via Eregion's leave-play effect, I make a little progress on the quest and take out one of the two additional Hounds that came at me this turn.
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Glamdring
Top Card: Dunedain Mark
Planning Phase
Play Dunedain Mark from top of deck (Gandalf -1). Attach to Gandalf.
Top Card: Bill the Pony
Play: Glamdring (Sam -1, Frodo -1). Attach to Gandalf.
Quest Phase
Commit Sam, Aragorn, Frodo, Bill. Total willpower: 10
Ready Aragorn (Aragorn -1).
Reveal: Hound of Sauron. Surge.
Reveal: Hound of Sauron. Surge.
Reveal: Hills of Holin.
Total threat: 4
Place 4 progress on Eregion, exploring it. Must discard 3 allies. Discard Bill the Pony (no other allies in play).
Place 2 progress on stage 2B (3/8).
Travel Phase
Travel to Hills of Hollin
Encounter Phase
Engage Hound of Sauron. Place 1 damage on Hills of Holin (1). Ready Sam (+1 willpower, attack, defense).
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Hound of Sauron. Attacks! Gandalf defends. Shadow: Crebain from Dunland (no effect). Place 1 damage on Gandalf.
Aragorn declares an attack on Hound of Sauron, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 36
Round 3
Trying to balance strong questing vs. holding back enough blockers to handle Great Warg Chief + Hound of Sauron + one additional warg, I fail advancing the quest by 1 progress. I compensate by taking out the Hound of Sauron.
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Bill the Pony
Top Card: Envoy from Pelargir
Planning Phase
Play: Envoy from Pelargir (Gandalf -1, Frodo -1). Add 1 resource to Sam's pool (2).
Top Card: Dunedain Warning.
Play: Bill the Pony
Play: Naith Guide (Sam -2). Choose Gandalf to not exhaust to quest this round.
Quest Phase
Commit Gandalf (does not exhaust), Sam, Aragorn, Frodo, Naith Guide. Total willpower: 13
Ready Aragorn (Aragorn -1).
Reveal: Redhorn Foothills. Total threat: 5
No! I knew there would be a risk of a 4-threat location or enemy, but I was really hoping for a 3 at most. It was risk between questing with one more ally vs. having one more ally to defend during stage 3.
Place 4 progress on Hills of Hollin, exploring it. Raise threat by 1 to 37.
Place 4 progress on stage 2B (7/8)
Travel Phase
Travel to Redhorn Foothills.
Encounter Phase
Engage Hound of Sauron. Place 1 damage on Redhorn Foothills (1). Ready Sam (+1 willpower, attack, defense).
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Hound of Sauron. Attacks! Bill the Pony defends. Shadow: Hills of Holin (no effect). Bill is destroyed.
Aragorn declares an attack on Hound of Sauron, destroying it.
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 38
Round 4
Questing heavily, I advance to stage 3 and defend against Great Warg Chief + Howling Warg with no ability to damage them this time round. Master of the Forge makes it into play and the mining of attachments + re-arranging of the player deck begins!
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Dunedain Warning
Top Card: Master of the Forge
Exhaust Wizard Pipe to exchange Mithril Shirt for Master of the Forge.
Planning Phase
Play: Mithril Shirt (Frodo -1). Attach to Frodo.
Top Card: Secret Paths
Play: Herald of Anorien (Sam -1, Aragorn -1). Give Doomed 2 (raise threat to 40) to put Master of the Forge into play.
Quest Phase
Commit Gandalf, Sam, Aragorn, Frodo. Total willpower: 12
Reveal: Tree-Crowned Hill. Total threat: 3
Place 5 progress on Redhorn Foothills, exploring it. Randomly discard (put both cards face down and used a dice program, assigning even/odd): Dunedain Warning
Place 4 progress on stage 2B, clearing it. Advance to stage 3.
Search encounter deck and add Great Warg Chief.
Travel Phase
Travel to Tree-Crowned Hill
Encounter Phase
Engage Great Warg Chief. Place 1 damage on Tree-Crowned Hill (1). Discard (encounter): Snowdrifts, Storm of Howls, Howling Warg. Put Howling Warg into play, engaged with me. Add 1 damage to Tree-Crowned Hill (2).
Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Howling Warg, Great Warg Chief.
Howling Warg attacks. Place 1 damage on Tree-Crowned Hill. Herald of Anorien defends. Shadow: Hills of Holin (no effect). Herald is destroyed.
Great Warg Chief attacks. Bill the Pony defends. Shadow: Redhorn Foothills (no effect). Bill the Pony is destroyed.
Exhaust Master of the Forge to look at my top 5 cards and add Dunedain Mark to my hand. Shuffle deck.
Top Card: Sword That Was Broken
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 41
Round 5
Aragorn becomes the Steward of Gondor and I take out the Great Warg Chief.
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Sword That Was Broken
Top Card: Steward of Gondor
Planning Phase
Play: Steward of Gondor (Gandalf -1, Sam -1). Attach to Aragorn.
Top Card: Frodo's Intuition
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Aragorn (3).
Play: Naith Guide (Aragorn -2). Choose Gandalf to not exhaust to quest this round.
Quest Phase
Commit Gandalf (Does not exhaust), Sam, Aragorn, Frodo. Total willpower: 12.
Ready Aragorn (Aragorn -1).
Reveal: Redhorn Foothills. Place 1 damage on it (1). Total threat: 4
Play: Frodo's Intuition (discard Good Meal to lower cost by 2 to 0). Updated willpower: 16. Draw: Rear Guard, Rear Guard.
Top Card: Flame of Arnor.
Place 6 progress on Tree-Crowned Hill, exploring it. Exhaust 3 characters: Naith Guide x2, Envoy of Pelargir.
Place 6 progress on The Hunt Is Up! (2/12).
Travel Phase
Travel to Redhorn Foothills.
Encounter Phase
No engagements.
Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Howling Wargs, Great Warg Chief.
Add Mr. Underhill to the victory display (2). Choose Great Warg Chief not to attack this round.
Howling Wargs attack. Place 1 damage on Redhorn Footills (2). Gandalf defends. Shadow: Regiments of Crows (undefended damage goes on active location). No damage dealt.
Play: Flame of Arnor from top of deck (Frodo -1). Ready Gandalf. Discard: Bill the Pony to give Gandalf +2 attack.
Top Card: Herald of Anorien.
Gandalf + Aragorn declare an attack on Great Warg Chief, destroying it.
Exhaust Master of the Forge to search the top 5 cards of my deck and add nothing to my hand. Shuffle deck.
Top Card: Snowbourn Scout
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 41
Round 6
Galadriel + Sword That Was Broken makes a great combo. Advancing to stage 4, I temporarily lose Frodo and then lose two allies to Howling Wargs x2. Ignoring the wargs, I get six damage on the Watcher and Frodo rejoins the gang.
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (1), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Snowbourn Scout
Top Card: Good Meal
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Aragorn (3).
Exhaust Master of the Forge. Search top 5 cards of my deck and add Gandalf's Staff to my hand. Shuffle.
Top Card: Galadriel.
Yes! Exactly what I was hoping for. Attempt #3 featured Sword That Was Broken + Galadriel as well.
Planning Phase
Exhaust Wizard Pipe to switch Sword That Was Broken with Galadriel.
Play: Galadriel (Sam -1, Aragorn -2). Look at top 5 cards. Attach Sword That Was Broken to Aragorn. Put remaining cards back in the following order (top to bottom): Envoy of Pelargir, Galadriel, Good Meal, Master of the Forge.
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Gandalf -1, Frodo -1). Add 1 resource to Sam's pool.
Quest Phase
Commit Sam, Aragorn, Frodo, Galadriel. Total willpower: 16
Ready Aragorn (Aragorn -1).
Reveal: Howling Wargs. Total threat: 2.
Place 5 progress on Redhorn Foothills, exploring it. Discard 2 random cards (using dice again for 5 cards, rerolling on 6): Gandalf's Staff, Rear Guard.
Place 9 progress on stage 3B, clearing it. Advance to stage 4.
Make Doors of Durin the active location.
Add Watcher in the Water to the staging area. Flip Frodo (+attachments) upside down and add under Watcher in the Water.
Flip to side 4B
Travel Phase
No travel
Encounter Phase
Engage Howling Wargs. Place 1 damage on Doors of Durin (1).
Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Watcher in the Water, Howling Wargs x2.
Watcher in the Water attacks. Envoy of Pelargir #1 defends. Shadow: Eregion (discard attachment). Discard Wizard Pipe. Envoy of Pelargir is destroyed.
Howling Wargs #1 attacks. Place 1 damage on Doors of Durin (2). Envoy of Pelargir defends. Shadow: Snowdrifts (no effect). Envoy of Pelargir is destroyed.
Howling Wargs #2 attacks. Place 1 damage on Doors of Durin (2). Naith Guide #2 defends. Shadow: Lust for the Ring (no effect). Naith Guide is destroyed.
Gandalf + Aragorn + Naith Guide #1 declare an attack on Watcher in the Water, dealing 6 damage (11 attack vs. 5 shield).
Regain control of Frodo, exhausted with 1 damage on him.
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 42.
Discard Galadriel from play.
Round 7
Sword That Was Broken + Rear Guard x2 (goodbye Snowbourn Scouts!) allows me to blow past the staging area and place 22 progress tokens on the Doors of Durin. Victory!
Resource Phase
+1 Gandalf (1), +1 Sam (2), +1 Aragorn (1), +1 Frodo (1)
Draw: Galadriel
Top Card: Good Meal
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Aragorn (3).
Exhaust Master of the Forge. Look at top 5 cards and add Good Meal to hand. Shuffle deck.
Top Card: Rear Guard.
Planning Phase
Play: Galadriel (Sam -2, Aragorn -1). Look at top 5 cards. Put Song of Wisdom into play, attached to Aragorn. Put remaining cards back in the following order (top to bottom): Snowbourn Scout, Rear Guard, Galadriel, Envoy of Pelargir.
Play: Snowbourn Scout from top of deck (Gandalf -1).
Play: Snowbourn Scout from hand (Aragorn -1).
Play: Good Meal. Attach to Sam.
Quest Phase
Commit: Gandalf, Sam, Aragorn, Frodo, Galadriel, Naith Guide. Total willpower: 22
Play: Rear Guard (Aragorn -1). Discard Snowbourn Scout to give each hero +1 willpower. Updated willpower: 26.
Play: Rear Guard (discard Good Meal to lower cost to 0). Discard Snowbourn Scout to give each hero +1 willpower. Updated willpower: 30.
Reveal: Eregion. Total threat: 8.
Place 22 progress on Doors of Durin, exploring it and clearing the stage.
Final Scoring
6 Completed Rounds x10: 60
Ending Threat: 42
Total Damage on Heroes: 4 (1 Gandalf, 2 Aragorn, 1 Frodo)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -2
Total Score: 10
Campaign Resolution
Boon's Anduril, Mithril Shirt, Sting, and Glamdring earned (one added to hand and the rest shuffled into player deck each quest)
Lust for the Ring is not attached to a hero and thus not earned!
Previous Campaign Resolutions
Boon: Mr. Underhill attached to Frodo Baggins
Boon: Noble Hero attached to Sam Gamgee
Burden: Gandalf's Delay added to staging area
Burden: Overcome by Terror shuffled into the encounter deck
Sweet victory!
With this sight being especially sweet.
The Recap
What's not to love? A great helping hand to start with (a boon-in-hand and a card in play for solo players). two rounds of vicious fights against the wargs, and a face-off against the Watcher and the Doors of Durin. Plenty of variety and fun for this player! And it was challenging. After getting destroyed twice, I had to sit back and put some good thought into the right deck. Once I had that, it wasn't a guaranteed win but I wasn't slaughtered either.
Thematically? I think this was a home-run. The first stage features tough decisions for multiplayer or simply a great bonus for solo players. Looking at the perspective of the fellowship vs. the perspective of Frodo, that fits. The next two stages have locations that increase in danger the longer you hang around, with wargs making those locations only more threatening. The wargs themselves seem well-balanced to me (I'm much more inclined to think a evil wolf from the forest could possibly take Aragorn out vs. some shady thug in a bar). But the fourth stage is really where the designers were tested. They already tackled the Watcher before. Yet this time, having only one stage to work with, I think they got much closer to the mark.
The riddles in the original Watcher in the Water quest required a very specific build, deck/encounter manipulation, or good luck to win. Likewise, you could go all-out and simply kill the watcher (or you can cheat with Black Arrow + The Fall of Gil-Galad + Flame of Arnor for the most unthematic victory ever!). Was that ever really a realistic option for the fellowship? No. Here, you have to rescue Frodo from the Watcher (thematic) without being able to kill the watcher (thematic) and overcome the challenge of the doors (thematc). It would have added more theme to remove all warg enemies, have Frodo start taking damage, and still incorporate some sort of riddle into the Doors. But you can't have it all and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
The Black Riders had a great opening followed by two quests that were okay. The Road Darkens likewise has opened strong and I'm eager to see how good the follow-up is.