
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Journey Ends

A little under four months ago I decided to embark on a journey to play through my (growing) backlog of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game quests. Before investing any more in the game, I wanted to enjoy what I had.

Forty quests into 43 quests I own, it is clear to me that the game is worth at least a little more of my investment. The next two Adventure Packs for the Ring-Maker Cycle, plus The Road Darkens, are on their way to me as I type. The final Ring-Maker AP will be coming out soon and will be ordered ASAP. In light of that, I decided to end the challenge prior to starting the newest cycle and instead play through it with the full player card-pool (which is how the cycles are play-tested). This will be done at a more casual pace alongside my wife.

There have been a lot of mistakes along the way (Conflict at the Carrock, which will need to be re-done at some point) and much growth in my skill as a player and deckbuilder. While I am still not an expert player, I guarantee the lessons learned over these past few months will make the game much more enjoyable for my family in the future. And that was the whole point, after all.

J.R.R. Tolkien created a rich world and the team at Fantasy Flight Games has crafted a truly enjoyable way to enter that world. While there are misses (Voice of Isengard), the hits (The Black Riders) outweigh them. I look forward to many more years of selecting my heroes, gathering my allies, and exploring the riches of Middle-earth. And I hope this blog will aid you in our own journey!

Looking Back: The Voice of Isengard

Just as I was surprised that I enjoyed the Against the Shadow cycle, I was surprised that I did not enjoy this box. There were new mechanics and creative ideas, but the quests just did not come together for me. The Ford of Isen and Into Fangorn were mediocre quests for me. I might come back to them, but they won't be at the top of the list. But To Catch and Orc actually came off as broken to me. I would put it as low as Escape from Dol Guldur in terms of victory being primarily dependent on luck (but also requiring a good deck and skill).

Design wise, I have to give big round of applause that 1) all encounter sets were used among the three quests 2) all three quests could be assembled at the same time. That was a fantastic decision I hope to see repeated again!

Quest 30: Into Fangorn

Victory on the third attempt!

The Deck

After two attempts with a Rohan Lore/Tactics Doomed deck (trying to utilize Grima and Eomer), I switched tactics and quested for all I was worth.

That Old Fangorn Spirit

Glorfindel (Foundations of Stone)
Frodo (Conflict at the Carrock)

Emery x2
Envoy of Pelargir x3
Escort from Edoras x3
Ethir Swordsman x3
Gandalf x3
Silvan Refugee x3
West Road Traveler x3
Westfold Horse-breeder x3

Good Meal x3
Light of Valinor x3
Ancient Mathom x2
Leaf Brooch x3

Astonishing Speed x3
Children of the Sea x3
Courage Awakened x3
Eldrond's Counsel x3
The Galadhrim's Greeting x3
Dwarven Tomb x2

Sets Used
Conflict at the Carrock
A Journey to Rhosgobel
Return to Mirkwood
The Redhorn Gate
The Watcher in the Water
Foundations of Stone 
Over Hill and Under Hill
Heirs of Numenor
The Steward's Fear
The Druadan Forest
The Blood of Gondor
The Voice of Isengard
Trouble in Tharbad
The Three Trials

I highly suggest leaving out Leaf Brooch and throwing in Stand and Fight. Dark-Hearted Huron is a great enemy to choose with this deck (when given a choice), but eliminates any hope of long-term secrecy. Whereas Stand and Fight is a great addition to Emery and Eowyn.

The Journey

And uneventful jog through the woods.

Player Setup
Starting Threat: 21
Draw: Emery, Dwarven Tomb, Silvan Refugee, Astonishing Speed, Escort From Edoras, Dwarven Tomb

Encounter Setup
Add Edge of Fangorn to the staging area with Mugash attached.
Flip to side B. Add 4 Time Counters to stage 1B.

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Frodo (1).
Draw: Envoy of Pelargir

Planning Phase
Play: Emery. Discard: Escort from Edoras, Silvan Refugee, Pelargir Shipwright
Dwarven Tomb is a great fit for a deck with Emery, but why did I not include Stand and Fight as well? Next time!
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Frodo -1, Glorfindel -1). Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (2).
Play: Silvan Refugee (Eowyn -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel (Raise threat to 22), Eowyn, Frodo, Emery, Envoy of Pelargir, Silvan Refugee.
Total willpower: 13
Reveal: Ancient Forest
Total threat: 6
Place 7 progress on stage 1B (7/9)

Travel Phase
Travel to Edge of Fangorn. Search deck and add Dark-Hearted Huron to the staging area.

Encounter Phase
Engage Dark-Hearted Huron.

Combat Phase
Hinder 1. Remove 1 progress from stage 1B (6/9)

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 23.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 1B (3).

Round 2
Resource Phase
Raise threat to 25
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Frodo (1).
Draw: Astonishing Speed

Planning Phase
Play: Escort from Edoras (Eowyn -2).

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel (Raise threat to 26), Eowyn, Frodo, Emery, Envoy of Pelargir, Silvan Refugee.
Total willpower: 13
Reveal: Heart of the Forest
Total threat: 7
Place 2 progress on Edge of Fangorn, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (1). Add Mugash to the staging area.
Place 4 progress on stage 1B (10/9)

Travel Phase
Travel to Heart of Fangorn

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Hinder 1. Remove 1 progress from stage 1B (9/9).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 27.
Exhaust Glorfindel to claim Mugash.
Advance to stage 2. Search encounter deck and add Dark-Hearted Huron to the staging area. Shuffle.
Flip to side B. Place 4 Time Counters on stage 2B.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (3).

Round 3
Resource Phase
Raise threat to 29
+1 Glorfindel (2), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Frodo (2).
Draw: West Road Traveler

Planning Phase
Play: West Road Traveler (Glorfindel -2).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Frodo, West Road Traveler, Emery, Envoy of Pelargir, Silvan Refugee, Escort from Edoras
Total willpower: 16
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -1, Frodo -2). +6 total willpower.
Updated willpower: 22
Reveal: Heart of Fangorn
Total threat: 9
Place 3 progress on Heart of Fangorn, exploring it
Place 10 progress on stage 2B (10/12).
Discard Escort from Edoras from play.
Discard Silvan Refugee from play.

Travel Phase
Travel to Heart of Fangorn

Encounter Phase
Engage Dark-Hearted Huron

Combat Phase
Hinder 2. Remove 2 progress from stage 2B (8/12).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 30.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (2).

Round 4
Resource Phase
Raise threat to 36
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Frodo (1).
Draw: Elrond's Counsel

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel (raise threat to 37). Eowyn, Frodo, Emery, Envoy of Pelargir, West Road Traveler.
Total willpower: 13
Play: Elrond's Counsel. Reduce threat to 34. Give Glofindel +1 willpower.
Updated willpower: 14
Play: Astonishing Speed (Glorfindel -1, Eowyn -1, Frodo -1). +4 total willpower. Updated willpower: 18.
Reveal: Tangled Woods
Total threat: 6
Place 3 progress on Heart of Fangorn, exploring it.
Place 9 progress on stage 2B, clearing it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
3 Completed Rounds x10: 30
Ending Threat: 37
Total Damage on Heroes: 0
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -1
Total Score: 66

The Recap

In a set that should be accessible to new players, this quest is a perfect fit. But after so much creativity and challenge lately, it was strange to find a quest where I could just quest like a madman with no challenge. Besides the Time mechanic, there was the addition of enemies doing things during the Resource Phase, but that did not seem like too much of a challenge to deal with. I may come back here to test out questing decks (instead of The Hills of Emyn Muil, the other option for that type of deck). A location-handling and high-enemy tackling deck might be worth a shot as well, but I'll likely be spending my deck-building effort on other quests.

Quest 29: To Catch an Orc

Victory on the sixth attempt!

The Deck

Wanting to use either Grima or Eomer, I ended up going for both of them and making a little bit of a Rohan deck here (at least with the heroes).



Henamarth Riversong x2
Minas Tirith Lampwright x3
Vassal of the Windlord x3
Westfold Horse-breeder x3
Gandalf (Over Hill and Under Hill) x3
Isengard Messenger x3
Envoy of Pelargir x3
Knights of the Swan x3

Firefoot x2
Rohan Warhorse x3
Ranger Spikes x3
Unexpected Courage x2
Keys of Orthanc x3
Horn of Gondor x2

Deep Knowledge x3
Astonishing Speed x3
Feint x3
The Galadhrim's Greeting x3

Sets Used
Return to Mirkwood
The Dead Marshes
Heirs of Numenor
The Steward's Fear
Encounter at Amon Din
The Voice of Isengard
The Dunland Trap

The Journey

A long, tedious journey with many close calls and a fudge at the end.

Player Setup
Starting Threat:28
Draw: Westfold Horse-breeder, Vassal of the Windlord, Gandalf, Envoy of Pelargir, Vassal of the Windlord, Knights of the Swan

Encounter Setup
Place top 20 cards of player deck out of play. Shuffle in Mugash and Mugash's Guard x1.
Flip to side 1B. Search encounter deck and add Orc Cave to the staging area. Shuffle.
Advance to stage 2. Flip to side B. Place 2 Time Counters on stage 2B

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (1), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Knights of the Swan

Planning Phase
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Grima -1, Eowyn -1). Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (1).
Play: Westfold Horse-breeder (Eowyn -1). Search top 10 cards and put Firefoot into hand.
Play: Knights of the Swan. Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 29).

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Horse-breeder. Total willpower: 7
Reveal: Orc Territory. Search encounter deck and put Orc Cave into play. No Orc enemies in play.
Total threat: 6.
Add 1 Time Counter to stage 2B (3).

Travel Phase
Travel to Orc Cave. Discard (encounter): Orc Cave.

No engagements or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 30.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (2).

Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Ranger Spikes

Planning Phase
Play: Gandalf (Grima -1, Eomer -2, Eowyn -1). Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 31).

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Gandalf (does not exhaust), Horse-breeder. Total willpower: 11
Reveal: Methedras Orc
Total threat: 6
Place 4 progress on Orc Cave, exploring it. Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2B (3).
Search 5: Keys of Orthanc, Henamarth Rivesong, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Rohan Warhorse, Astonishing Speed. Add The Galadhrim's Greeting to hand.

Travel Phase
Travel to Orc Cave. Discard (encounter): Take Cover!

Encounter Phase
Engage Methedras Orc.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Methedras Orc. Attacks! Randomly shuffle Vassal of the Windlord into Out-of-Play deck. Envoy of Pelargir defends. Shadow: Orc Skirmisher (+1 attack). Envoy is destroyed (+2 attack to Eomer).
Eomer + Gandalf declare an attack on Methedras Orc, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 32.
Raise threat to 34 to keep Gandalf in play.

Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (1), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Horn of Gondor

Planning Phase
Play: Horn of Gondor (Eomer -1). Attach to Eowyn.
Play: Knights of the Swan. Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 35).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf (does not exhaust). Total willpower: 8.
Reveal: Prowling Wolf
Total threat: 3
Place 4 progress on Orc Cave, exploring it. Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2B (3).
Search 5: Rohan Warhorse, Minas Tirith Lampwright, Feint, Isengard Messanger, Keys of Orthanc. Add Rohan Warhorse to hand.

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
Engage Prowling Wolf.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Prowling Wolf. Attacks! Grima defends. Shadow: Methedras Orc (remove 1 Time Counter if character destroyed). No damage dealt.
Gandalf declares an attack on Prowling Wolf, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 36.
Raise threat to 38 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (2).

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (1), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Keys of Orthanc

Planning Phase
Play: Keys of Orthanc (Grima -1). Attach to Eomer.
Play: Firefoot (Eomer -1). Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 39).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf (does not exhaust). Total willpower: 8.
Reveal: Take Cover! Choose to remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1). Surge.
Reveal: Orc Skirmisher.
Total threat: 4
Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (3).

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Skirmisher. Choose to remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1).

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Orc Skirmisher. Attacks! Gandalf defends. Shadow: Methedras (no effect). No damage dealt.
Gandalf + Eomer declare an attack on Orc Skirmisher, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 40.
Raise threat to 42 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove final Time Counter.
Reveal 1: Orc Hunter.
Additional reveal: Orc Hunting Party. Deal shadow card to Orc Hunter.
Reveal 2: Orc Hunter
Additional reveal: Orc Hunting Party. Deal shadow cards to Orc Hunter x2.
Place 2 Time Counters on stage 2. 

Round 5
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (1), +1 Eowyn (3)
Draw: Knights of the Swan

Planning Phase
Play: Rohan Warhorse (Eomer -1). Attach to Eomer.
Play: Knights of the Swan. Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 43). Exhaust Keys of Orthanc. +1 resource Eomer (1).
Play: Vassal of the Windlord (Eomer -1).
Play: The Galadhrim's Greeting (Eowyn -3). Lower threat to 37.
Play: Ranger Spikes (Grima -2).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf (does not exhaust). Total willpower: 8.
Reveal: Prowling Wolf. Attach to Ranger Spikes.
Total threat: 5
Add 1 Time Counter to stage 2 (3).

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Hunter x2, Prowling Wolf

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Orc Hunter x2, Prowling Wolf
Orc Hunter #2 attacks. Grima defends. Shadow 1: Mugash's Lair. Discard Keys of Orthanc. Shadow 2: Methedras (no effect). Deal 1 damage to Grima.
Orc Hunter #1 attacks. Gandalf defends. Shadow 1: Broken Lands (no locations in staging area; no added attack). Shadow #2: Take Cover! (no effect). Shadow #3: Mugash's Lair (Discard Horn of Gondor).
Prowling Wolf attacks. Undefended. Shadow: Orc Skirmisher (+1 attack). Place 2 damage on Eowyn (2/3).
Eomer declares an attack on Orc Hunter #1, destroying it. Exhaust Firefoot to deal 1 excess damage to Orc Hunter #2. Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Eomer.
Eomer declares an attack on Prowling Wolf, destroying it.
Knights of Swan #1 declares an attack on Orc Hunter #2, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 38.
Raise threat to 40 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (2).

Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (1), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Unexpected Courage

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf. Total willpower: 8.
Reveal: Methedras.
Total threat: 3.
Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (3).

Travel Phase
Travel to Methedras

No engagements or combat.
Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 41.
Raise threat to 43 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (2).

Round 7
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Henamarth Riversong

Planning Phase
Play: Henamarth (Grima -1).
Play: Unexpected Courage (Eowyn -2). Attach to Eomer.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf. Total willpower: 8
Reveal:  Orc Hound. Surge.
Reveal: Orc Hound. Surge.
Reveal: Orc Territory. Put Methedras into play. Shuffle. No Orc enemies in play.
Total threat: 5
Place 3 progress on Methedras, exploring it. Search 3: Astonishing Speed, Mugash's Guard, Gandalf. Add Mugash's Gard to the staging area. Add Astonishing Speed to hand.

Travel Phase
Travel to Methedras.

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Hound. Exhaust Vassal of the Windlord.
Engage Orc Hount. Exhaust Knights of Minas Tirith.
Engage Mugash's Guard.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Mugash's Guard, Orc Hound x2
Orc Hound #1 attacks. Gandalf defends. Shadow: Broken Lands (no locations in staging area; no attack boost). No damage dealt.
Orc Hound #2 attacks. Grima defends. Shadow: Methedras Orc (remove 1 Time counter if character destroyed). No damage dealt.
Mugash's Guard attacks. Henamarth Riversong defends. Shadow: Orc Hunter (enemy makes additional attack). Henemarth destroyed (+2 attack to Eomer).
Mugash's Guard attacks. Deal shadow. Westfold Horse-breeder defends. Shadow: Broken Lands (no locations in staging area; no attack boost). Horse-breeder is destroyed.
Eomer declares an attack on Orc Hound, destroying it. Exhaust Firefoot to deal 5 excess damage to Orc Hound #2, destroying it. Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Eomer.
Eomer + Knights  of the Swan #1 declare an attack on Mugash's Guard, destroying it and adding it to the victory display (3). 

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 44.
Raise threat to 46 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1). 

Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Deep Knowledge.

Planning Phase
Play: None.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Gandalf. Total willpower: 8.
Reveal: Prowling Wolf.
Total threat 3
Place 3 progress on Methedras, exploring it. Add 1 Time Counter to stage 2B (2).
Search 3: The Galadhrim's Greeting, Vassal of the Windlord, Ranger Spikes
Add The Galadhrim's Greeting to hand.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Prowling Wolf.

Combat Phase
Shuffle encounter discard into encounter deck. Deal shadow card to Prowling Wolf. Attacks! Gandalf defends. Shadow: Prowling Wolf. Exhaust Vassal of the Windlord. No damage dealt.
Eomer declares an attack on Prowling Wolf, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 47.
Discard Gandalf from play. 
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1).

Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (3), +1 Eomer (3), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Deep Knowledge

Planning Phase
Play: The Galadhrim's Greeting (Eowyn -2). Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 48). Lower threat to 42.
Play: Deep Knowledge (Doomed 2; raise threat to 44). Draw: Minas Tirith Lampwrigt, Westfold Horse-breeder

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Grima. Total willpower: 6
Reveal: Methedras.
Total threat: 3.
Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (2).

Travel Phase
Travel to Methedras.

No engagements or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 45.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1).

Round 9
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (3), +1 Eomer (3), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Ranger Spikes

Planning Phase
Play: Ranger Spikes (Grima -2).
Play: Westfold Horse-breeder (Eowyn -1). Search top 10 cards and add Rohan Warhorse to hand.

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eomer, Eowyn. Total willpower: 7
Reveal: Methedras Orc. Attach to Ranger Spikes.
Total threat: 1
Place 3 progress on Methedras, exploring it. Add 1 Time Counter to stage 2 (2).
Search 3: Feint, Unexpected Courage, Deep Knowledge. Add Feint to hand.

Travel Phase
No travel

No engagements or combat

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 46.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1).

Round 10
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (4), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: The Galadhrim's Greeting

Planning Phase
Play: None.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn, Grima, Eomer. Total willpower: 7
Reveal: Orc Skirmisher.
Total threat: 4
Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (2).

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Skirmisher. Remove 1 Time Counter from quest (1).

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Orc Skirmisher. Attacks! Vassal of the Windlord defends. Shadow: Methedras Orc (remove 1 Time Counter if character destroyed). Vassal destroyed (+2 attack to Eomer). Remove final Time Counter.
Reveal 1: Orc Cave
Reveal 2: Orc Hound. Surge.
Reveal: Orc Hunting Part. Deal shadow card to Methedras Orc, Orc Skirmisher.
Add 2 Time Counters to stage 2B.
Knights of the Swan x2 declare an attack on Orc Skirmisher, destroying it. 

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 47.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2 (1).

Round 11
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (3), +1 Eomer (5), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Isengard Messanger

Planning Phase
Play: Isengard Messanger (Grima -2)
Play: The Galadhrim's Greeting (Eown -2). Use Grima's ability (Doomed 1; raise threat to 48). Lower threat to 42. +2 willpower to Isengard Messanger.

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eomer, Eowyn, Isengard Messanger. Total willpower: 9
Reveal: Methedras. Total threat: 8
Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (2).

Travel Phase
Travel to Methedras.

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Hound.
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Eomer.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow Orc Hound. Attacks! Shadow: Methedras (no effect).
Knights of the Swan #1 attacks Orc Hound, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 43.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (1).

Round 12
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (6), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Gandalf

Planning Phase
Play: Gandalf (Grima -1, Eomer -4).

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Gandalf, Isengard Messanger. Total willpower: 11.
Reveal: Methedras
Total threat: 8
Discard Rohan Warhorse to give Eowyn +1 willpower. Updated willpower: 12.
Place 3 progress on Methedras, exploring it. Place 1 Time Counter on stage 2 (2).
Search 3: Horn of Gondor, Minas Tirith Lampwright, Mugash. Add Mugas to the staging area. Add Horn of Gondor to my hand.

Travel Phase
Travel to Methedras

Encounter Phase
Engage Mugash

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Mugash.
Play: Feint (Eomer -1). Choose Mugash to not attack.
Eomer + Knights of the Swan x3 declare an attack on Mugash, destroying him. Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Eomer. Attach Mugash to Eomer, exhausting Eomer.

Refresh Phase
Ready all (except Eomer). Raise threat to 44.
Raise threat to 46 to keep Gandalf in play.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (1)

Round 13
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (2), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Envoy of Pelargir

Planning Phase
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Grima -2). Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool.
Play: Minas Tirith Lampwright (Eowyn -1).
Play: Horn of Gondor (Eomer -1). Attach to Eowyn.

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Gandalf (does not exhaust), Westfold Horse-breeder, Envoy of Pelargir.
Total willpower: 12
Reveal: Orc Hunter. Choose to remove 1 Time Counter from quest (1).
Total threat: 6
Place 3 progress on Methedras, exploring it. Advance to stage 3.
Search 3: Westfold Horse-breeder (add to hand). Out-of-Play deck exhausted.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Hunter, Methedras Orc

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Orc Hunter, Methedras Orc.
Orc Hunter attacks. Minas Tirith Lampwright defends. Shadow: Orc Territory (no effect). Minas Tirith Lampwright is destroyed. +1 resource to Eowyn (Horn of Gondor).
Knights of the Swan x2 attack Orc Hunter, destroying it

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 47.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 3B (2)
Raise threat to 49 to keep Gandalf in play. 
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 3B (2).  

Round 14
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (4)
Draw: Isengard Messanger

Planning Phase
Play: Westfold Horse-breeder. Search top 10 cards and add Firefoot to hand.

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Westfold Horse-breeder x2, Envoy of Pelargir, Isengard Messenger, Gandalf (does not exhaust). Total willpower: 14
Discard Rohan Warhorse to give Eowyn +1 willpower (15).
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +8 total willpower (23).
Reveal: Take Cover. Remove 1 Time Counter from quest (1). Surge.
Reveal: Orc Hunter. Choose to reveal additional card: Prowling Wolf.
Total threat: 9
Place 14 progress on stage 3B (14/15).

Loss by 1 progress point!

Alright, here's the deal: it really seems like there is a massive luck factor in this quest (see The Recap) and I'm a bit tired of playing it. I don't want to throw myself at another three playthroughs to get the right combination showing up allowing me to search for and locate Mugash. So, I'm going to fudge this one and back up to the point where I had to decide about keeping Gandalf or not (a decision I debated).

Return Take Cover!, Orc Hunter, Prowling Wolf to the encounter deck. Shuffle.
Return Isengard Messanger, Firefoot to the player deck. Shuffle.
Return Astonishing Speed Westfold Horse-breeder to hand.
Discard Gandalf from play.

Round 14(b)
Resource Phase
+1 Grima (1), +1 Eomer (2), +1 Eowyn (4)
Draw: Envoy of Pelargir

Planning Phase
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Eomer -2). Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (5).
Play: Westfold Horse-breeder. Search top 10 cards and add Firefoot to hand.

Quest Phase
Commit: Grima, Eowyn, Westfold Horse-breeder x2, Envoy of Pelargir x2, Isengard Messanger. Total willpower: 12
Reveal: Mugash's Lair
Total threat: 8
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +8 total willpower. Updated willpower: 21
Discard Firefoot to give Eowyn +1 willpower. Updated willpower: 22.
Play: Deep Knowledge (Doomed 2; raise threat to 49). +1 willpower to Isengard Messanger. Updated willpower: 23.
Place 15 progress on stage 3B, winning the game!

The Recap

Despite being an enemy-heavy quest, this felt like The Hills of Emyn Muil all over again: sitting around and waiting for the right locations. For many of the attempts I had solid draws and a good force building, only to run into a lack of Search keywords before threating out. Without threat reduction, pure luck is needed to get Search locations + draw Mugash early on. Allowing the player to discard one card from the Out-of-Play deck every time they destroyed an enemy (even limiting that to Orc enemies) would have been a great fix for this one. As it is, the quest seems simply broken to me. The idea of the out-of-play deck, a hiding enemy, and Search keywords sounds like a fantastic idea, but the execution did not work out.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Print On Demand 1: The Massing at Osgiliath

Victory on the eighth attempt!

The Deck

After a few attempts of bashing decks against this quest and not seeing a glimmer of hope once I reached stage 4, I figured there was something fundamentally wrong with my strategy. This was especially frustrating since many view this quest as fairly easy in light of the current available card pool. I cried "Uncle!" and decided to go against it with a deck that has already proven successful (of which there are many), hopefully learning something useful for my own future attempts. Looking at a few options on BoardGameGeek, I settled on Stephen Valkyser's Rohan deck and road on to victory.

The Journey

A slow and steady burn ending dramatically with a 58 willpower quest phase in round 11.

Player Setup
Starting Threat: 25
Draw: Elfhelm, Dunadain Watcher, The Favor of the Lady, Elfhelm, Astonishing Speed, Gandalf
Mulligan: The Galadhrim's Greeting, Dunadain Watcher, Astonishing Speed, Northern Tracker, Astonishing Speed, Elfhelm

Encounter Setup
Set The Witch-king to the side
Add Wolves From Mordor x1, Snaga Scouts x1, and Wainriders x1 to the staging area. Shuffle.

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (1), +1 Dunhere (1), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: Dunedain Mark

Planning Phase
Play: Dunedain Mark (Theodred -1). Attach to Dunhere.

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn. Add 1 resource to Dunhere's pool (2). Total willpower: 5.
Reveal: Cut Off. Doomed 1 (raise threat to 26). Discard all allies from hand: Elfhelm, Northern Tracker, Dunedain Watcher.
I almost gave up right here. That is quite a blow to take early on, especially when I was hoping to build up a small band of forces.
Total threat: 4
Place 1 progress on stage 1B (1/7)

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Shaga Scouts

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Shaga Scouts. Attack! Undefended. Shadow: Uruk Vanguard (+1 attack). Deal 2 damage to Eowyn (2/3).
Dunhere declares an attack on Wolves From Mordor, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 27.

Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (1), +1 Dunhere (3), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: Faramir

Planning Phase
Play: The Galadhrim's Greeting (Dunhere -3). Lower threat to 21.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn. Total willpower: 4
Reveal: Uruk Vanguard.
Total threat 4. No progress placed.

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Shaga Scouts. Attack! Theodred defends. Shadow: Wolves From Mordor (deal 2 damage to defending character; 2/4 damage on Theodred). No combat damage dealt.
Dunhere declares an attack on Shaga Scouts, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 22.

Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (2), +1 Dunhere (1), +1 Eowyn (3)
Draw: Northern Tracker

Planning Phase
Play: Northern Tracker (Dunhere -1, Eowyn -3).

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn. Add 1 resource to Theodred's pool (3). Total willpower: 5
Reveal: Snaga Scouts.
Total threat: 5. No progress placed.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Snaga Scouts.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Snaga Scouts. Attack! Undefended. Shadow: Cut Off (discard Faramir). Deal 1 damage to Theodred (3/4).
Northern Tracker declares an attack on Snaga Scouts, destroying them.
Dunhere declares an attack on Wainriders, dealing 3 damage (3/4).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 23.

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (4), +1 Dunhere (1), +1 Eowyn (1)
Draw: West Road Traveler

Planning Phase
Play: West Road Traveler (Dunhere -1, Eowyn -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn, West Road Traveler. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (1). Total willpower: 7
Reveal: Morgulduin
Total threat: 5
Place 2 progress on stage 1B (3/7)

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Dunhere declares an attack on Wainriders, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 24.

Round 5
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (5), +1 Dunhere (1), +1 Eowyn (2)
Draw: The Favor of the Lady

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn, Northern Tracker. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (3). Place 1 progress on Morgulduin (1/3). Total willpower: 6
Reveal: Ranger of Ithilien. Gain control of Ranger, exhausted and committed to the quest.
Total willpower: 8
Reveal: Captured Watchtower.
Total threat: 4
Place 4 progress on stage 1B, clearing it. Advance to stage 2, flip to side B.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat Phase
Dunhere declares an attack on Uruk Vanguard, dealing 3 damage (3/8).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 25.

Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (6), +1 Dunhere (2), +1 Eowyn (4)
Draw: Astonishing Speed
All three? If I can pull of playing them all, this will be epic.

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn, Northern Tracker. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (5). Place 1 progress on Morgulduin (2/3). Place 1 progress on Captured Watchtower (1/2). Total willpower: 6
Reveal: Pelennor Fields.
Total threat: 5
Place 1 progress on stage 2B (1/5).

Travel Phase
Travel to Pelennor Fields

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat Phase
Dunhere declares an attack on Uruk Vanguard, dealing 3 damage (6/8).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 26.

Round 7
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (7), +1 Dunhere (3), +1 Eowyn (6)
One copy of Parting Gifts might be a good fit for this deck.
Draw: Elfhelm

Planning Phase
Play: Elfhelm (Eowyn -4).

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn, Northern Tracker, West Road Traveler, Ranger of Ithilien. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (3). Place 1 progress on Morgulduin, exploring it. Place 1 progress on Captured Watchtower, exploring it. Total willpower: 10.
Reveal: Wolves From Mordor.
Total threat: 3.
Place 7 progress on Pelennor Fields, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (1).

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Dunhere declares an attack on Wolves From Mordor, destroying them.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 27.

Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (8), +1 Dunhere (4), +1 Eowyn (4)
Draw: Dunedain Mark

Planning Phase
Play: Dunedain Mark (Theodred -1). Attach to Dunhere.

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (5). Total willpower: 5
Reveal: Snaga Scouts
Total threat: 3
Place 2 progress on stage 2B (3/5)

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
Engage Snaga Scouts.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Snaga Scouts. Attack! Elfhelm defends. Shadow: Ranger of Ithilien. Deal 2 damage to Snaga Scouts, destroying them. Exhaust West Road Traveler to gain control of Ranger of Ithilien.
Dunhere declares an attack on Uruk Vanguard, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 28.

Round 9
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (8), +1 Dunhere (5), +1 Eowyn (6)
Draw: Snowbourn Scout

Planning Phase
Play: Snowbourn Scout (Theodred -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn, West Road Traveller. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (7). Total willpower: 7.
Reveal: Cut Off. Doomed 1 (raise threat to 29; reduce back to 28 due to Elfhelm's ability). No allies to discard.
Place 7 progress on stage 2B, clearing it. Advance to stage 3, flip to side B.

No travel, engagements, or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 29.

Round 10
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (8), +1 Dunhere (6), +1 Eowyn (8)
Draw: Steward of Gondor

Planning Phase
Play: Steward of Gondor (Theodred -2). Attach to Eowyn.
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. Eowyn +2 (10).

Quest Phase
Discard Ranger of Ithilien #2 to commit characters to the quest.
Commit: Theodred, Eowyn. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (11). Total willpower: 7.
Reveal: Captured Watchtower.
Total threat: 1
Place 6 progress on stage 3B, clearing it. Advance to stage 4, flip to side B.
Add The Witch-king to the staging area.

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
Engage The Witch-king.

Combat Phase??
Deal shadow card to The Witch-king. Attacks! Ranger of Ithilien defends. Shadow: Ruins of Osgiliath (no effect). Ranger of Ithilien is destroyed.
Why not toss the Snowbourn Scout to him? Because the Scout is Rohan and Rohan has a big turn coming up next.
Raise threat by 3 to keep The Witch-king engaged (raise threat to 32).
Elfhelm's ability would lower this, right? I didn't think about that until the write-up, and it didn't end up mattering, but I'll keep that in mind next time.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 33.

Round 11
Resource Phase
+1 Theodred (7), +1 Dunhere (7), +1 Eowyn (12)
Draw: Dwarven Tomb
Exhaust Steward of Gondor. +2 Eowyn (14).

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Theodred, Dunhere, Eowyn, West Road Traveler, Elfhelm, Snowbourn Scout. Add 1 resource to Eowyn's pool (15). Total willpower: 9.
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +12 total willpower. Updated willpower: 21.
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +12 total willpower. Updated willpower: 33.
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +12 total willpower. Updated willpower: 45.
Play: Dwarven Tomb (Eowyn -1). Return Astonishing Speed to hand.
Play: Astonishing Speed (Eowyn -3). +12 total willpower. Updated willpower: 57.
Discard Favor of the Lady to give Eowyn +1 willpower. Updated willpower: 58.
Reveal: Captured Watchtower.
Total threat: 8.
Place 50 progress on stage 4B, clearing it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
10 Completed Rounds x10: 100
Ending Threat: 33
Total Damage on Heroes: 5 (Theodred 3, Eowyn 2)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -1
Total Score: 137

The Recap

Variety and the necessity to have a well-rounded approach? Love it. But I was not able to crack the quest on my own, so we'll hold it back from Favorite Quests right now and let it grow on me.

Having just beating The Morgul Vale, I wonder if that same deck would have any effect on this quest? Maybe not. Taking out the Nazgul is a big challenge, but getting 15 points of progress on stage 4 while not being able to travel is an even bigger one!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Looking Back: Against the Shadow

I honestly did not expect to enjoy this cycle as much as I did.

Four of the six quests included ranked in the "Favorite Quest" category for me, with the remaining two proving fairly easy. And an easy quest that was not a top one will most likely be returned to in the future. (Now, it's true I took the easy way out on Assault on Osgiliath and could have made that more of a challenge by not including Tactics Boromir).

This cycle did bring some challenges, but more often brought creativity and freshness to the table. As the card pool continues to expand, I look forward to returning here with a variety of approaches.

Quest 27: The Morgul Vale

Victory on the eleventh attempt!

The Deck

I played one attempt of The Morgul Vale and realized instantly that this thing is a beast. Going up against The Blood of Gondor and The Massing at Osgiliath at the same time left me a bit uninspired to tackle this guy. Heading over to BoardGameGeek, I came upon Tracker1's decklist and some good advice from glowwrym about going heavy on the direct damage (as part of a two-handed strategy). Both had strong questing power built in and/or threat reduction. At first, I planed on simply using Tracker1's deck, but at the last minute I wanted to give it a crazy mono-Tactics shot and see how far I could get.

Stage 3. The very beginning. That's how far I could get.

Starting with attempt 8, I switched out Theoden with Merry as my main quester. This was a big risk, as a revealed Forest Bat during staging would destroy Merry. But, while other situations led to a few more losses, I never revealed a Forest Bat during my time questing with Merry.

Bear vs. Nazgul


Gondorian Spearman x3
Knights of the Swan x3
Envoy of Pelargir x3
White Tower Watchman x3
Vassal of the Windlord x3
Westfold Outrider x3
Gandalf (Core) x2

Rivendell Blade x3
Rohan Warhorse x3
Black Arrow x1
Spear of the Citadel x3

Goblin-cleaver x3
Rain of Arrows x3
Swift Strike x2
Feint x3
Hands Upon the Bow x3
Thicket of Spears x3
Hail of Stones x3
Quick Strike x3

Sets Used
The Dead Marshes
Road to Rivendell
Shadow and Flame
Over Hill and Under Hill
On the Doorstep
Heirs of Numenor
The Steward's Fear
The Druadan Forest,
The Morgul Vale
The Black Riders
The Voice of Isengard

The Journey

Player Setup
Starting Threat: 27
Draw: Hands Upon the Bow, Rain of Arrows, Rohan Warhorse, Westfold Outrider, Knights of the Swan, Goblin-cleaver
Mulligan: Rivendell Blade, Thicket of Spears, Spear of the Citadel, Swift Strike, Hail of Stones, Rohan Warhorse

Encounter Setup
Set Lord Alcaron, Nazgul of Minas Morgul, and The White Bridge to the side.
Add To the Tower, Murzag, and 1 copy of Morgul Vale to the staging area.
Flip to side B

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Legolas (1), +1 Beorn (1), +1 Merry (1)
Draw: Hail of Stones

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: None
Reveal: The Master's Malice (only Tactics characters in play; no effect)
Total threat: 5
Raise threat to 32

Travel Phase
Travel to Morgul Vale

Encounter Phase
Engage Murzag

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Murzag
Play: Thicket of Spears (Legolas -1, Beorn -1, Merry -1).
Legolas + Beorn + Merry declare an attack on Murzag, destroying him. Place 2 progress on Morgul Vale (2/3). Advance to stage 2. Place Lord Alcaron in the staging area. Flip to side B.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 33.

Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Legolas (1), +1 Beorn (1), +1 Merry (1)
Draw: White Tower Watchman

Planning Phase
White Tower Watchman (Legolas -1, Beorn -1, Merry -1)

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry. Total willpower: 2.
Reveal: Terror Drives Them. Place 1 progress on To The Tower (1/10). Surge.
Reveal: Morgul Bodyguard
I hate seeing this guy! Really puts a crimp in a fast strategy.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Morgul Bodyguard, Lord Alcaron

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Morgul Bodyguard, Lord Alcaron
Lord Alcaron attacks. Place 1 progress on To the Tower (2/10). Beorn defends. Shadow: Orc War Camp (+1 attack). Deal 4 damage to Beorn (4/10).
Phew. I'm not a fan of multiple attacks from Alcaron (although I've taken a string of three with Beorn standing strong...yet very injured). 
Morgul Bodyguard attacks. Beorn defends. Shadow: Orc Vanguard (deal 2 additional shadow cards). Shadow #2: Forest Bat (raise threat to 34). Shadow #3: Morgul Spider (no effect). Deal 1 damage to Beorn (5/10).
Legolas + Beorn declare an attack on Morgul Bodyguard, destroying it. Place 1 progress on Morgul Vale, exploring it. Place 1 progress on stage 2B (1/0).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 35.

Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Legolas (1), +1 Beorn (1), +1 Merry (1)
Draw: Knights of the Swan

Planning Phase
Play: Rohan Warhorse (Legolas -1). Attach to Legolas.
Play: Knights of the Swan (Merry -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry. Total willpower: 2.
Reveal: Orc Vanguard
Total threat: 2

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
No engagements

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Lord Alcaron
Lord Alcaron attacks. Place 1 progress on To the Tower (3/10). White Tower Watchman defends. Shadow: Forest Bat (raise threat to 38). Deal 2 damage to White Tower Watchman (2/3).
Legolas + Beorn attack Lord Alcaron, destroying him. Advance to stage 3. Place Nazgul of Minas Morgul and The White Bridge in the staging area. Flip to side B.
Reveal: Morgul Sorcerer.
Play: Hail of Stones (Beorn -1). Exhaust Merry. Deal 1 damage to Nazgul of Minas Morgul (1/5).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 39.

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Legolas (1), +1 Beorn (1), +1 Merry (1)
Draw: Goblin-cleaver

Planning Phase
Play: Rivendell Blade (Legolas -1).
Play: Spear of the Citadel (Beorn -1, Merry -1). Attach to Knights of the Swan.

Quest Phase
Commit: Merry. Total willpower: 2
Reveal: Watcher in the Wood (raise threat to 40).
Total threat: 9
Raise threat to 47

Travel Phase
Play: Hail of Stones (Legolas -1). Exhaust White Tower Watchman to deal 1 damage to Nazgul of Minas Morgul (2/5)

Encounter Phase
Engage Orc Vanguard, Morgul Sorcerer, Nazgul of Minas Morgul

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Orc Vanguard, Morgul Sorcerer, Nazgul of Minas Morgul
Play: Goblin-cleaver (Exhaust Spear of the Mark). Deal 1 damage to Nazgul of Minas Morgul (3/5)
Nazgul of Minas Morgul attacks. Knights of the Swan defends. Deal 1 damage to Nazgul of Minas Morgul (4/5). Shadow: The Dead City Looms (+3 attack). Knights of the Swan is destroyed.
Orc Vanguard attacks. Undefended. Shadow: The Master's Malice (no effect). Deal 8 damage to White Tower Watchman, destroying it.
Morgul Sorcerer attacks. Beorn defends. Shadow: Orc Arbalesters (+2 attack). Deal 4 damage to Beorn (4/9).
Beorn declares an attack on Nazgul of Minas Morgul, destroying it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
3 Completed Rounds x10: 30
Ending Threat: 47
Total Damage on Heroes: 9 (Beorn)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: 0
Total Score: 85

The Recap

At first glance (and attempt), this quest was hard and frustrating. In actual practice, it was a blast! I liked the challenge of quickly dispatching three "boss" villains. It felt like timed race. Eleven attempts at anything is a lot, but the majority of them were 10-15 quick runs that ended with me threating out one round short of dispatching the Nazgul. And I'm fine (and enjoy) frequent close calls like that.

There are some pretty brutal treachery and enemies here, but all-in-all this is a quest I highly recommend. I'll love coming back with a variety of decks and seeing how else to dispatch the forces gathered in the Morgul Vale.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Quest 26: The Blood of Gondor

Victory on the fifth attempt!

The Deck

Deck repeat!

After defeating The Fords of Isen, it struck me that there were a lot of tactical similarities to The Blood of Gondor: fight multiple, strong enemies while making significant questing progress. To experiment, I used Of Elves and Chumps (my Isen deck of choice) and came away with another slow and steady victory. I prefer to change my decks up between quests, but I'll happily take the victory!

The Journey

Well, this was not fun. In trying to undo a paragraph for this write-up, somehow Blogspot glitched and replaced the text of my The Blood of Gondor draft with the text of my Fords of Isen write-up (which I had been working on just before) and I could not figure out how to get it back. So the entire log of my journey was lost!

My first attempt was a co-op one with my wife and we got slaughtered. The highlight for her was fighting off two enemies that ended up receiving 14 shadow effects between them, due to card after card calling for additional shadows to be dealt. It was a brave fight!

The fifth attempt (a solo one, as were attempts 2-4) was not filled with as many thrilling moments. Just like Fords of Isen, this was a relatively easy slow and steady victory during the midst of round 7. I played fairly cautiously (never having a hero defend against Orc Rabble) and it paid off.

The Recap

The Blood of Gondor gets a spot among Favorite Quests where The Fords of Isen did not (for now, at least, in terms of Isen's exclusion). Why? As I mentioned above, there are a lot of tactical similarities in the quests, so both should either be loved or not. The thematics of the enemies is probably an issue. It might be just as subjective phase I'm going through, but I felt the Orcs and Uruks were justifiable in their scaling here. The Black Numenorian was a pretty powerful guy, but he is one big master villan and I can buy into that.

And I like the hidden card mechanic. It added even more choices of consequence into each round (how do I use Farimir most effectively? Is it better to take another card during the combat phase or reveal the one I have?). Variety in decision making appeals to me greatly.

So Gondorian blood will flow again and I shall return!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Quest 28: The Fords of Isen

Victory on the fourth attempt!

Truly living up to the "semi-chronological" definition of this challenge, here is a quest quite a bit out of order. Blood of Gondor/Morgul Vale/Massing at Osgiliath were road-blocking me and I wanted to clear my head with another quest (although I did complete Massing at Osgiliath before this and simply need to spend time cleaning up the notes).

The Deck

I really wanted to make a mono-Tactics Eomer deck work with this one, but kept stalling out in stage 2B and wasn't quite pulling it off. It still might be a possibility to explore later. Legolas + Beregond struck me, but I wanted some good questing power as well. Eowyn or Glorfindel? Let's go with the elf synergy and see what we can do.

I also want to shed cards from my hand as quickly as possible, while being able to take multiple attacks. This deck handles attacking very well and (with Unexpected Courage on Bergond) can do some good blocking. Maybe Behind Strong Walls is needed. But for my run-through I resorted to (lots of) chump blockers. Also, I would add in at least 1 Song of Battle to throw on Glorfindel. It would be great to get a Rohan Warhorse on him (so up those to 3). Choosing what to take out is always the hard part, but Spear of the Mark x1 would go. Possibly switching out Unseen Strike for Behind Strong Walls would work, but the Strike was very helpful with the (relatively) high enemy engagement costs in this one.

Of Elves and Chumps

Glorfindel (Foundations of Stone)

Minas Tirith Lampwright x3
Knights of the Swan x3
Silvan Refugee x3
Vassal of the Windlord x3
Westfold Horse-breeder x3
Gandalf (Core) x3
Envoy of Pelargir x2

Black Arrow x1
Rivendell Blade x3
Spear of the Citadel x1
Gondorian Shield x3
Rohan Warhorse x2
Light of Valinor x3
Unexpected Courage x2

Feint x3
Hands Upon the Bow x3
Unseen Strike x3
Gondorian Discipline x3
Elrond's Counsel x3

Sets Used
The Dead Marshes
The Redhorn Gate
The Watcher in the Water
Foundations of Stone
Shadow and Flame
On the Doorstep
Heris of Numenor
The Steward's Fear
Encounter at Amon Din
The Druadan Forest
The Voice of Isengard

The Journey

Slow and steady won the race.

Player Setup
Set starting threat to: 24
Draw: Unseen Strike, Rohan Warhorse, Black Arrow, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Speark of the Mark, Westfold Horse-Breeder
I tried this deck out in attempt 3 and, as lame as it is to count on a single card, Light of the Valinor really seems close to necessary to make this deck work its best.
Mulligan: Black Arrow, Rivendell Blade, Rivendell Blade, Light of the Valinor, Rohan Warhorse, Feint

Encounter Setup
Add The Islet to the staging area with Grima attached.
Search encounter and add Dunland Tribesman to the staging area. Shuffle.
Flip to stage 1B. Add 5 Time Counters to the stage.

Round 1
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (1), +1 Beregond (1)
Draw: Elrond's Counsel. +1 Threat to Dunland Tribesman.

Planning Phase
Play: Black Arrow. Attach to Legolas.
Play: Light of Valinor (Glorfindel -1). Attach to Glorfindel.
Play: Rivendell Blade (Legolas -1). Attach to Legolas.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel. Total willpower: 3.
Reveal: Ill Tidings. Draw into hand. +1 threat to Dunland Tribesman. Surge.
Reveal: Dunland Chieftain.
Total threat: 6
Raise threat to 27
No worries. I'll aim for a clear staging area next turn, get Grima, then have Legolas help get better progress placed on the quest.

Travel Phase
Travel to The Islet

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunland Chieftain. Discard 5: Old Hatreds, The King's Road, Dunlending Bandit, Pillaging and Burning, The King's Road. Put Dunlending Bandit in play engaged with me.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Dunland Captain, Dunlending Bandit.
Dunland Captain attacks. Beregond defends. Shadow: Ill Tidings (no effect). Deal 1 damage to Beregond.
Play: Feint (Beregond -1). Choose Dunlending Bandit to not attack.
Legolas declares an attack on Dunland Chieftain. Discard Black Arrow and add it to the victory display (1) to give Legolas +5 attack. Dunland Chieftain is destroyed.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 28.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 1B (4/5)

Round 2
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (1), +1 Beregond (1)
Draw: Westfold Horse-Breeder. +1 Threat to Dunland Tribesman.

Planning Phase
Play: Rivendell Blade (Legolas -1). Attach to Glorfindel.
Play: Rohan Warhorse (Beregond -1). Attach to Legolas.
Play: Westfold Horse-Breeder (Glorfindel -1). Choose not to search for Mount attachment.
No reason to add another card to my hand when I know I can't play it.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel. Total willpower: 3.
Reveal: Gap of Rohan.
Total threat: 3.
Play: Elrond's Counsel. Reduce threat to 25. Give Glorfindel +1 willpower.
Updated willpower: 4.
Place 1 progress on The Islet, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (2). Gain control of Grima.

Travel Phase
Travel to Gap of Rohan

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunland Tribesman.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Dunland Tribesman, Dunlending Bandit.
Dunlending Bandit attacks (1 card in hand; +1 attack). Grima defends. Shadow: Gap of Rohan (+1 attack). Deal 1 damage to Grima.
Dunland Tribesman attacks. Beregond defends. Shadow: Dunland Prowler (no effect). No damage dealt.
Legolas declares an attack on Dunland Tribesman, destroying it. Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Legolas. Place 2 progress on Gap of Rohan (2/3)
Legolas + Glorfindel declare an attack on Dunlending Bandit, destroying it. Place 1 progress on Gap of Rohan, exploring it. Place 1 progress on stage 1B (1/6).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 26.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 1B (3/5)

Round 3
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (1), +1 Beregond (1)
Draw: Gandalf

Planning Phase
Play: None

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Grima
Total willpower: 6
Reveal: Wild Men of Dunland. Attach to quest. Surge.
Reveal: Gap of Rohan
Total threat: 3
Place 3 progress on stage 1B (4/6).

Travel Phase
Travel to Gap of Rohan

No engagements or combat

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 27.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 1B (2/5)

Round 4
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (2), +1 Legolas (2), +1 Beregond (2)
Draw: Minas Tirith Lampwright. Deal 1 damage to Legolas (1/4).

Planning Phase
Play: Minas Tirith Lampwright (Glorfindel -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Grima. Total willpower: 6
Reveal: Dunland Berserker.
Total threat: 2
Place 3 progress on Gap of Rohan, exploring it.
Place 1 progress on Fight at the Ford (5/6)

Travel Phase
No travel.

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunland Berserker

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Dunland Berserker. Attacks! Beregond defends. Shadow: Dunland Tribesman (+1 attack). No damage dealt.
Legolas + Glorfindel declare an attack on Dunland Berserker, destroying it. Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Legolas. Place 2 progress on stage 1B, clearing it.
Advance to stage 2, flip to side B. Search deck and add Dunlending Bandit to the staging area. Shuffle.
Add 2 Time Counters to stage 2B.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 28.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (1/2)

Round 5
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (2), +1 Legolas (3), +1 Beregond (3)
Draw: Vassal of the Windlord

Planning Phase
Play: Gandalf (Glorfindel -1, Legolas -3, Beregond -1). Draw (3): Unseen Strike, Spear of the Citadel, Envoy of Pelargir.
Play: Envoy of Pelargir (Glorfindel -1, Beregond -1). Add 1 resource to Beregond's pool (2).
Play: Vassal of the Windlord (Beregond -1).

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Grima, Envoy of Pelargir, Gandalf
Total willpower: 11
Reveal: Fords of Isen
Total threat: 4
Place 7 progress on stage 2B (7/14).

Travel Phase
Travel to Fords of Isen. Draw (2): Minas Tirith Lamwright, Unseen Strike

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunlending Bandit.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Dunlending Bandit. Attacks (5 cards in hand; +5 attack). Minas Tirith Lampwright defends. Shadow: Pillaging and Burning (defending player discards an attachment he controls). Discard Rivendell Blade from Glorfindel. Lampwright is destroyed.
Glorfindel + Legolas declare an attack on the Bandit, destroying it. Place 2 progress on Fords of Isen (2/4).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 29.
Remove last Time Counter from stage 2B. Deal 5 damage to Gandalf, destroying him. Place 2 Time Counters on stage 2B.

Round 6
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (1), +1 Beregond (2)
Draw: Unexpected Courage

Planning Phase
Play: Spear of the Citadel (Beregond -2). Attach to Beregond.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Grima, Envoy of Pelargir
Total willpower: 7
Reveal: Dunland Berserker
Total threat: 2
Place 2 progress on Ford of Isen, exploring it.
Place 3 progress on stage 2B (10/14).

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunland Berserker

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Dunland Berserker. Attacks! Beregond defends. Deal 1 damage to Dunland Berserker. Shadow: Gap of Rohan (+1 attack). No damage dealt.
Legolas declares an attack on Dunland Berserker, destroying it. Place 2 progress on stage 2B (12/14)

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 30.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 2B (1/2)

Round 7
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (2), +1 Legolas (2), +1 Beregond (1)
Draw: Unexpected Courage

Planning Phase
Play: Unexpected Courage (Glorfindel -2). Attach to Beregond.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Envoy of Pelargir
Total willpower: 5
Reveal: Wild Men of Dunland. Attach to stage 2B. Surge.
Reveal: Dunland Raider
Total threat 3.
Place 2 progress on stage 2B, clearing it.
Proceed to stage 3. Search Encounter Deck and add Dunland Berserker to the staging area. Shuffle.
Flip to side B. Place 3 Time Counters on stage 3B.

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Optionally engage Dunland Raider. Deal 5 damage divided out: 1 to Grima (2/3), 2 to Legolas (3/4), 2 to Glorfindel (2/5).
Engaged by Dunland Berserker.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Dunland Raider, Dunland Berserker.
Dunland Raider attacks. Beregond defends. Deal 1 damage to Dunland Raider. Shadow: Dunland Raider (Discard 1 attachment). Discard Spear of the Citadel from Beregond. Deal 1 damage to Beregond (2/4).
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Beregond.
Dunland Berserker attacks. Beregond defends. Shadow: Fords of Isen (no effect). No damage dealt.
Leglas + Grima declare an attack on Dunland Berserker, destroying it. Place 2 progress on stage 3B (2/16). Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Legolas.
Legolas + Glorfindel declare an attack on Dunland Raider, destroying it. Place 2 progress on stage 3B (4/16).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 31.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 3B (2/3)

Round 8
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (3), +1 Beregond (2)
Draw: Gandalf

Planning Phase
Play: Gandalf (Legolas -3, Beregond -2). Reduce threat to 25.
Play: Minas Tirith Lampwright (Glorfindel -1). 

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Grima, Envoy of Pelargir, Gandalf
Total willpower: 11
Reveal: Dunland Prowler. Surge. Discard Minas Tirith Lampright and name: Enemy.
Reveal: Old Hatreds. Attack to stage 3B. Surge.
Reveal: Dunland Chieftain.
Total threat: 4
Place 7 progress on stage 3B (11/16)

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Engage Dunland Prowler

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Dunland Prowler. Dunland Prowler attacks. Beregond defends. Shadow: Fords of Isen (no effect). No damage dealt.
Legolas + Glorfindel declare an attack on Dunland Prowler, destroying it. Place 2 progress on stage 3B (13/16).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Raise threat to 26.
Remove 1 Time Counter from stage 3B (1/3)
Discard Gandalf from play.

Round 9
Resource Phase
+1 Glorfindel (1), +1 Legolas (1), +1 Beregond (1)
Draw: Feint. Raise threat to 27.

Planning Phase
Play none.

Quest Phase
Commit: Glorfindel, Westfold Horse-Breeder, Envoy of Pelargir, Grima
Total willpower:7
Reveal: Down from the Hills. Search discard pile and add Dunland Berserker to the staging area.
Total threat: 5
Place 2 progress on stage 3B (15/16)

Travel Phase
No travel

Encounter Phase
Optionally engage Dunland Chieftain. Discard (5): Gap of Rohan, Down From the Hills, Pillaging and Burning, Dunlending Bandit, Pillaging and Burning. Put Dunlending Bandit in play, engaged with me.
Engaged by Dunland Berserker.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow cards to Dunland Chieftain, Dunlending Bandit, Dunland Berserker.
Play: Feint (Beregond -1). Choose Dunland Chieftain not to attack.
Play: Unseen Strike. Choose Legolas.
Play: Unseen Strike. Choose Legolas.
Dunlending Berserker attacks. Beregond defends. Shadow: Dunland Tribesman (+1 attack). No damage dealt.
Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready Beregond.
Dunlending Bandit attacks (2 cards in hand; +2 attack). Beregond defends. Shadow: Fords of Isen (no effect). No damage dealt.
Legolas declares an attack on Dunland Chieftain, destroying it. Place 2 progress on stage 3B (17/16). Exhaust Rohan Warhorse to ready Legolas.
Legolas declares an attack on Dunlending Bandit, destroying it. Place 2 progerss on stage 3B (19/16).
Glorfindel + Vassal of the Windlord declare an attack on Dunland Berserker, destroying it and winning the game!

Final Scoring
8 Completed Rounds x10: 80
Ending Threat: 27
Total Damage on Heroes: 7 (Glorfindel: 2, Legolas: 3, Beregond: 2)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -2
Total Score: 112

The Recap

Let's start with what worked for me in this quest. The time mechanic is nice and definitely was a positive mark. There was a noticeable urgency to get through the quest. It helped push me towards a balanced approach of fighting and questing well (which I like), since neither would fully solve the scenario. And being punished for card draw was a really creative twist (after years of being told that card draw is the most useful effect you can use).

But swarms of really tough, nameless henchmen is not the type of battle I want to face. Like the spies from A Knife in the Dark, we're dealing with: high attack, high defense, high HP, and some nasty effects upon engagement and/or combat.You get Bandits that can be just as powerful as a Troll. And maybe that's where my issue comes up: the scaling of enemy stats over the course of the game. I have no problem with an ancient evil giving my heroes a run for their money. But some really angry dude from a cross the country? Similar (again) to A Knife in the Dark, I would be happier with more enemies and lower stats.

I will be back at some point to try out different deck ideas (would Silvan Secrecy ford the river?), and I wouldn't pass up a multiplayer game if The Fords of Isen was suggested, but it did not make it to favorite quest status for me. Probably because, after hearing how well-loved it is by many, it just did not live up to the hype for me.