
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Quest 37: Intruders in Chetwood

Victory on the Fourth Attempt!

The Deck

After trying out an amateur Caldara deck (next time I'll just steal with zeal from the big boys), I decided to throw a little firepower at the intruders. Not a refined, final-form deck, but it got the job done.

Home Security
HeroesEowyn (The Flame of the West)
Haldir of Lorien (Trouble in Tharbad)
Treebeard (The Treason of Saruman)

Derndingle Warrior x3
Dunedain Hunter x2

Ghan-buri-Ghan x2
Ioreth x2
Master of the Forge x2
Quickbeam x1
Robin Smallburrow x1
Warden of Healing x1
Wellinghall Preserver x3
Gandalf (Core) x3

Black Arrow x1
Bow of the Galadhrim x3
Ent Draught x3
Lembas x3
Song of Wisdom x1

Feint x3
Foe-hamer x3
Daeron's Runes x3
Entmoot x3
Radagast's Cunning x3
Secret Paths x3

Side Quests
Gather Information x1

Decks Used
Conflict at the Carrock
The Long Dark
Foundations of Stone
Shadow and Flame
Over Hill and Under Hill
on the Doorstep
Trouble in Tharbad
The Ninin-Eilph
The Lost Realm
The Treason of Saruman
Escape from Mount Gram
Across the Ettenmoors
The Drowned Ruins
The Flame of the West
A Storm on Cobas Haven

RingsDB Link

The Journey

Player Setup
Set starting threat to 31. Reduce to 28 (Eowyn).
Draw: Black Arrow, Warden of Healing, Secret Paths, Feint, Song of Wisdom, Derndingle Warrior

Encounter Set Up
Stage 1A. Take control of Iarion. Add Orc War Party to the staging area. Search encounter deck and add Rugged Country to the staging area. Shuffle (encounter). Flip to stage 1B.

Round 1
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (1), Haldir +1 (1), Treebeard +1 (1)
Draw: Ent Draught

Planning Phase
Play None

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn (4), Haldir (2), Iarion (1), Treebeard (2)
Total Willpower: 9
Reveal: Chetwood Forest

Total Threat: 8 (Orc War Party, Rugged Country, Chetwood Forest)
Play: Secret Paths (Haldir -1), choosing Chetwood Foret
Updated Threat: 5
Place 4 progress on stage 2B (4/30).

Travel Phase
Travel to Chetwood Forest. Choose and engage Orc War Party.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Orc War Party.
Play: Feint (Eowyn -1). Choose Orc War Party.
Raise threat by 3 (31) to ready Eowyn and give her +9 attack.
Eowyn declares an attack on Orc War Pardy, destroying it.

Refresh Phase
Ready all.
Raise threat to 32.

Round 2
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (1), Haldir +1 (1), Treebeard +1 (2)
Draw: Lembas

Planning Phase
Play: Lembas (Treebeard -1). Attach to Treebard.
Play: Ent Draught (Treebeard -1). Attach to Treebeard.
Play: Black Arrow.Attach to Haldir.

Quest Phase
Commit: Treebeard (2), Eowyn (4), Iarion (1).
Total Willpower: 7
Reveal: Angmar Orc. Choose to reveal an additional encounter card.
Reveal: Lost in the Wilderness. Place hand face-down underneath Lost in the Wilderness. Ready Iarion.
Total Threat: 4 (Rugged Country, Angmar Orc)
Deal 6 damage to Treebeard to give him +6 willpower.
Updated Willpower: 13
Place 3 progress on Chetwood Forest, exploringit.
Place 6 progress on Stage 2B (10/30).

Travel Phase
Travel to Rugged Country.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Haldir declares an attack against Agmar Orc. Add Black Arrow to the victory display (1) to give Haldir +5 attack. Agmar Orc is destroyed.

Refresh Phase
Ready all.
Raise threat to 33.

Round 3
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (2), Haldir +1 (2), Treebeard +1 (1)
Draw: Derndingle Warrior

Planning Phase
Play: Derndingle Warrior (Eowyn -2). Enters play exhausted.

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn (4), Haldir (2), Treebeard (2), Iarion (2)
Total Willpower: 10
Reveal: Weight of Responsibility. Reveal 2 extra encounter cards.
Reveal: Angmar Captain
Reveal: Chetwood Forest
Total Threat: 6 (Angmar Captain, Chetwood Forest)
Discard Lembas to ready Treebeard and heal 3 damage (3/7).
Deal 3 damage to Treebeard (6/7) to raise his willpower by 3.
Updated willpower: 13.
Place 3 progress on Rugged Country, exploring it.
Place 4 progress on stage 2B (14/30).

No travel, engagements, or combat.

Refresh Phase
Ready all.
Raise threat to 34.
Raise threat to 35 (stage 2B effect).

Round 4
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (1), Haldir +1 (3), Treebeard +1 (2)
Draw: Wellinghall Preserver

Planning Phase
Play: Wellinghall Preserver (Haldir -3).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn (4), Haldir (2), Treebeard (2), Iarion (2).
Total Willpower: 10
Reveal: Shrouded Hills
Total Threat: 8 (Angmar Captain, Chetwood Forest, Shrouded Hills)
Place 2 progress on stage 2B (16/30).

Travel Phase
Travel to Chetwood Forest. Engage Angmar Captain.

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Angmar Captain. Attachs! Derndingle Warrior defends. Shadow: Surprising Speed (+1 attack). Deal 1 damage to Derndingle Warrior (1/3) to give him +3 defense. Derndingle Warrior takes 1 damage (2/3).

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Wellinghall Preserver: Heal 1 damage from Derndingle Warrior (1/3).
Raise threat to 36.

Round 5
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (2), Haldir +1 (1), Treebeard +1 (3)
Draw: Ioreth

Planning Phase
Play Ioreth.
Spend 1 resource from Treebeard (2) and exhaust Ioreth to heal 3 damage from Treebeard (3/7)

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn (4), Haldir (2), Treebeard (2), Iarion (2), Wellinghall Preserver (3)
Total Willpower: 13
Reveal: Borders of Bree-land
Total Threat: 4 (Shrouded Hills, Borders of Bree-land)
Place 3 progress on Chetwood Forest, exploring it.
Place 6 progres on stage 2B (22/30)

Travel Phase
Travel to Borders of Bree-land

Encounter Phase
No engagements.

Combat Phase
Deal shadow card to Angmar Captain. Attacks! Derndingle Warrior defends. Shadow: Orc Rearguard (no effect). Deal 1 damage to Derndingle Warrior (2/3) to give him +3 defense. No damage dealt.

Refresh Phase
Ready all. Wellinghall Preserver: Heal 1 damage from Derndingle Warrior (1/3).
Raise threat to 37.

Round 6
Resource Phase
Eowyn +1 (3), Haldir +1 (2), Treebeard +1 (3)
Draw: Daeron's Runes.

Planning Phase
Play: Daeron's Runes. Draw: Ioreth, Daeron's Runes. Discard Ioreth.
Play: Daeron's Runes. Draw: Wellinghall Preserver, Entmoot. Discard Entmoot.
Play: Wellinghall Preserver (Treebeard -3).
Spend 1 resource from Haldir (1) and exhaust Ioreth to heal 3 damage from Treebeard (0/7).

Quest Phase
Commit: Eowyn (4), Haldir (2), Treebeard (2), Iarion (2), Wellinghall Preserver (3)
Total Willpower: 13
Reveal: Angmar Orc. Discard (exhausted) Wellinghall Preserver.
Total Threat: 4 (Shrouded Hills, Angmar Orc)
Deal 3 damage to Treebeard (3/7) to give him +3 willpower.
Updated Willpower: 16
Place 4 progress on Borders of Bree-land, exploring it.
Place 8 progress on stage 2B, clearing it and winning the game!

Final Score
5 completed rounds: 50
Ending Threat: 37
Total Damage on Heroes: 3 (Treebeard)
Threat of Defeated Heroes: 0
Victory Display: -1 (Black Arrow)
Total Score: 89

The Recap

This was a fun, "relaxing" quest that still had some bite to it. I had it pretty easy in this final attempt with my revealed enemies and never had a case where that side-quest sitting around hurt me. Both situations could have been very different.

Along with The Old Forest, this is another quest I am noting down as a great way to test questing-focused decks (while also making sure they can take on enemies when needed). And, as also with The Old Forest, this is a quest I would be glad to go through with more players who want a casual, fun night adventuring in Middle-earth.

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