
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Campaign Catch-Up

For my own enjoyment and feeling of truly completing the campaign experience, I decided to re-play A Knife in the Dark through Journey in the Dark. These are all quests already beaten and will not be added to my tally of cumulative plays nor discussed in detail. Below is a quick summary of these recent attempts as well as any resulting campaign resolutions.

Previous Campaign Resolutions
Boon: Mr. Underhill attached to Frodo Baggins
Boon: Old Bogey-stories (added to starting hand)
Boon: Ho! Tom Bombadil! (added to starting hand)
Burden: Gandalf's Delay added to staging area

A Knife in the Dark

With greater knowledge of the need to dispatch Bill Ferny ASAP, this was a single run-through that survived a few twists of the encounter deck and saw my mighty Hobbits sweep a solid victory.

Campaign Resolutions
Boon: Noble Hero attached to Sam Gamgee

Flight to the Ford

One nail-biting race lost when The Enemy is Upon Us! stalled out my progress, leading to Frodo's death, and one non-nail biting race that was a clean sweep. Looking back at my write-up the first time around, I think I miss-read the thematic level of this one. It truly captures an urgent rush to get Frodo to Rivendell before he succumbs to the Witch-king's wound.

Campaign Resolutions
Burden: Panicked

Note: I forgot that I slightly miss-played this one the first time around (having multiple copies of the unique elf-stone in play), so I'll up my number of attempts by 2.

The Ring Goes South
Took me a few more attempts than I'd like to admit, primarily due to my desire to use Gandalf, Aragorn, and Sam as my heroes. A lot of ground is covered in these three stages, taking you all the way from the safe haven of Rivendell to the battle against the Watcher in the Water at the Doors of Durin. The designers did well here and improved greatly over the Watcher in the Water quest.

Campaign Resolutions
Boon: Sting
Boon: Mithril Shirt
Boon: Glamdring
Boon: Anduril

Journey in the Dark

Really wanted to get a thematic win here by destroying the Balrog, but gave up on that dream after a few attempts. I decided to push through before he appeared and victory was mine with one damage token remaining on Doom, Doom, Doom.

Campaign Resolutions
Burden: Shadow of Fear
Burden: Overcome by Grief

And I'm all caught up again! POD saga quests are folded in and accounted for in my campaign pool and the quests are all fresh in my mind. Now time to beat the final quest in The Road Darkens.

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