
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Looking Back: The Lost Realm

Good hype about this box had made its way to my ears since its release and that was not proved unfounded. Intruders in Chetwood is a great entry-level quest for the current cardpool. The Weather Hills, while taking me quite a while to conquer as I tried to make a certain deck work,  presents a unique challenge that takes some thinking to work around (or it took me that at least). Deadmen's Dike is a solid, challenging quest. All-in-all, The Lost Realm is a fantastic box that I highly recommend. Unsure how just a Core + this one would fair beyond the initial quest, but there are some solid Core-only decks out there and this gives the pool you need for a decent Duendain archetype (although I have yet to really explore that path myself).

My biggest regret is spreading out this box over months and not really getting into the thematic mindset, which feels like it could be really rich with this one. Blame my Xbox and Arkham Horror for that. Also, looking over some of the quests while writing this, I'm realizing the encounter deck played it pretty easy with me on some of these. Most notably Deadmen's Dike, where I faced down zero side quests and any of the three would have posed serious problems to me in that final play through.

Let's go back to the player cards. Too often I open a new box, add the cards to my pile, and realize down the line that some of these have been fully untouched. That is exactly the case here. While I played with, and loved, Secret Vigil right of the box, most of the cards are semi-known and never seen in my decks. But there are some awesome contributions pulling you towards an interesting enemy engagement strategy. Now I want to dive into the Dunedain archetype and see if I can wreak some face in this cycle.

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