
"There are some things that it is better to begin than to refuse, even though the end may be dark." - Aragorn,The Two Towers

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Quest 24: Encounter at Amon Din

Victory on the second attempt

The Decks

I really wanted to play around with the new Doomed mechanic, combining that with  the Lore Aragorn + Desperate Alliance combo to make it feasible to used Doomed frequently without causing my wife to threat out. These decks were first drafted before I attempted Conflict at the Carrock, so Eomer's ability was something I also wanted to explore.

Grima's Threat
Aragorn (Watcher in the Water)

Harbor Master x3
Isengard Messenger x3
Gandalf (Core) x3
Escort from Edoras x3
Ithilien Tracker x3
Erebor Hammersmith x3
Warden of Healing x3

Keys of Orthanc x3
A Burning Brand x3
Palantir x2
Unexpected Courage x2
Ranger Spikes x3
Ancient Mathom x2

Desperate Alliance x3
A Test of Will x3
Deep Knowledge x3
The Galadhirm's Greeting x2
Radagast's Cunning x3

Sets Used
Conflict at the Carrock
A Journey to Rhosgobel
The Watcher in the Water
The Long Dark
On the Doorstep
Heirs of Numenor
The Druadan Forest
Assault on Osgiliath
The Voice of Isengard

Eomer's Ride

Westfold Outrider x3
White Tower Watchman x3
Gondorian Spearman x3
Knight of Minas Tirith x3
Gandalf (Core) x3
Envoy of Pelargir x3
Beorn x2

Firefoot x3
Rohan Warhorse x3
Horn of Gondor x2
Gondorian Shield x2
Spear of the Citadel x2
Born Aloft x3

Quick Strike x3
Feint x3
Halfling Determination x3
Behind Strong Walls x3
Close Call x3

Sets Used
Conflict at the Carrock
Heirs of Numenor
The Druadan Forest
Assault on Osgiliath
The Steward's Fear
The Black Riders
The Voice of Isengard
The Dunland Trap

The Journey

My wife (W) sets her threat to 26 and I (M) set mine to 30.
After looking at our starting hands, I decide to take the mulligan (searching for desperate alliance, which I did not get).

Round 1
M is the first player

Resource Phase
+1 to everyone, we each draw a card

Planning Phase
M: Play Isengard Messanger
Play Deep Knowledge (M: threat 32, W: threat 28)
+1 willpower to Isengard Messenger
Play: Escort from Edoras (using Grima's ability. M: threat 33, W: threat 29)
+1 willpower to Isengard Messenger
W: Play Firefoot, attached to Eomer

Quest Phase
M: Commit Eowyn, Isengard Messanger, Escort from Edoras
W: Commit: Merry
Total willpower: 13
Reveal 1: Craven Eagle (I discard Burning Brand, Ranger Spikes, A Test of Will to cancel effect)
Reveal 2: Orc Rabble
Total threat: 5
W: Discard Behind Strong Walls to give Eowyn +1 willpower
M: Discard Ithilien Tracker to give Eowyn +1 willpower
Updated total willpower: 15
5 progress placed on Burning Farmhouse, exploring it and adding it to the victory display. 4 resource tokens placed on Rescued Villagers (4 total).
5 progress would be placed on Savagery of the Orcs. Instead, 5 resource tokens are moved onto Rescued Villagers (9 total) and the stage is cleared.
Advance to stage 2A, add Ghulat to the staging area, flip to stage 2B
Discard Escort from Edoras (Eomer's ability triggers)

Travel Phase

Encounter Phase
M: Engage Orc Rabble
W: Engage Ghulat
Craven Eagle left in staging area

Combat Phase
Shadow cards dealt. Orc Rabble gets +2 attack.
Orc Rabble attacks. Grima defends. Shadow: Secluded Farmhouse (no effect). One damage on Grima.
Ghulat attacks. +1 damage to Dead Villagers (1 total). Shadow: Scourge of Mordor (+1 attack, deal additional shadow card). Shadow: Panicked! (+1 attack). No damage on Bergond.
Aragorn + Lord Alcron attack Orc Rabble, destroying them.
Eomer attacks Ghulat, dealing 4 damage (4/7)

Refresh Phase
Ready all
M: Threat 34
W: Threat 30

Round 2
W is the first player

Resource Phase
+1 to everyone, we each draw a card

Planning Phase
W: Envoy of Pelargir (add resource to Bergond's pool)
Play Westfold Outrider
M: Play Ranger Spikes (using Grima's ability. M: threat 35, W: threat 31)

Quest Phase
W: Commit Merry, Envoy
M: Commit Eowyn, Isengard Messenger, Grima, Aragorn
Total willpower: 13
Reveal 1: Orc Arsonist (attach Ranger Spikes)
Reveal 2: Burning Farmhouse (4 villager tokens placed on top)
Total threat: 5
M: Discard The Galadhrim's Greeting to give Eowyn +1 willpower
W: Discard Gondorian Spearman to give Eowyn +1 willpower
Updated total willpower: 15
Place 10 progress tokens on stage 1B (10/15)

Travel Phase
Burning Farmhouse is only contributing 1 threat. We'd rather have that in the staging area and have a good shot of placing the final 5 progress on stage 2B next turn, vs. needing to quest past that barrier.

Encounter Phase
W: Encounters Craven Eagle
Orc Arsonist, attached to Ranger Spikes, left in staging area with the Burning Farmhouse

Combat Phase
Shadow cards dealt
Craven Eagle attacks. Westfold Outrider defends. Shadow: Panicked! (+1 attack to eagle). Outrider is destroyed (Eomer's ability triggers).
Ghulat attacks. +1 damage on Dead Villagers (2 total). Bergond defends. Shadow: Gondorian Hamlet (no effect).
Eomer attcacks and destroys Ghulat, adding him to the victory display.

Refresh Phase
Ready all
M: Threat 36
W: Threat 32
One progress token removed from Burning Farmhouse (3 remaining). One damage added to Dead Villagers (3 total).

Round 3
M is the first player

Resource Phase
+1 to everyone, we each draw a card

Planning Phase
M: Play Deep Knowledge (M: Threat 38, W: Threat 34)
Play: Harbor Master (using Grima's ability. M: Theat 39, W: Threat 35)
W: Play none

Quest Phase
M: Commit Aragorn, Grima, Eowyn, Lord Alcron, Isengard Messanger, Harbor Master
W: Commit Merry, Envoy
Total willpower: 16
Reveal 1: Maurading Orcs
Reveal 2: Trapped Inside. Doomed 2 (M: Threat 41, W: Threat 37). No active location; surge.
Reveal 3: Orc Arsonist
Total threat: 7
Place 9 progress tokens on stage 2B, clearing the quest

Rescued Villagers: 9
Dead Villagers: 3


Final Scoring
2 completed rounds x 10: 20
Total Threat: M 41, W: 37
Damage on Heroes: M: 1, W: 0
Victory Display: -3
M Total: 59
W Total: 54

The Recap

I had heard this one could be a bit of a push-over, but it certainly proved an easier quest that it seems it should be. Some nasty (seeming) enemies with nasty (seeming) shadows make you assume it is going to be quite a struggle. If we had not lost Aragorn due to a bad blocking decision on my part during the first attempt (Orc Rabble got a series of shadow cards added to them), it would likely have been a win at that point. As it was, coming back with a bit more tailoring on my part made it a very easy win (although my wife's deck could have benefited from Theoden instead of Merry). If you quest strongly and can take care of one big enemy you should be able to win handily.

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